
Toy project solving Zan's 3rd challenge.

📝 about:

this project is the Hello World of ditributed processing, inside src/actors you can see each application.

  • distributor:

takes the raw data and send chunks to the first queue

  • worker:

take chunks from the first queue, sums them and send to the second queue

  • collector:

aggregates the batches from the same load and display the final sum

how the data flows through time

⚙️ running locally:

make sure that you have RabbitMQ insalled on your machine, or, its official Docker image

git clone git@github.com:ddanielsantos/tiny-rabbit.git
cd tiny-rabbit

# your preferred package manager
pnpm install

# generates a new file
pnpm create-raw

# each actor is suposed to be a different application
# run each one of them in a different shell, like

pnpm actor:worker
pnpm actor:collector
pnpm actor:distributor

🎬 demo:

a GIF showing how this project works

🐳 todo:

  • setup Dockerfile
  • setup docker.compose