
Simple CLI made with Go, it interacts with the OpenWeather API

Primary LanguageGo

☁️ Weather CLI

Simple CLI made with Go, it interacts with the OpenWeather's Current API

▶️ Demo:

⚙️ Running locally:

  • Download
git clone https://github.com/ddanielsantos/weather-cli
cd weather-cli
  • Setup your OpenWeather API Key

You can get more information about the API Key here, after you get one, you can use .env.example as a model to finish the configuration

  • Run
go build .
./weather-cli now --city <city name here>


  • implement commands:

🤔 Knowledge obtained:

  • Get requests with net/http
  • Environment variable management
  • Marshall, Unmarshall and Indent with encoding/json
  • cobra-cli basic usage