This docker image expects 2 other linked containers to work .
Mysqldb or Mariadb linked as 'db'
Memcached linked as 'cache'
$ docker run -td --name mariadb -e USER=user -e PASS=password paintedfox/mariadb
$ docker run --name memcached -d -p 11211 sylvainlasnier/memcached
Then finally run our docker-magento container
docker run -p 80:80 --link mariadb:db --link memcached:cache -td paimpozhil/magento-docker
Now visit your public IP in your browser and you will see the installer ready to go.. enter the database password when installer prompts ('password') is the default.
This Image will utilize the environment variables from the linked containers and automatically configure its magento itself.
However during install you may have to enter the database password once which is the only manual work.
Cache will be preconfigured.
Now as you think you may need to get into our Docker-magento container to be easily look into things, I did not package an SSH server just for this purpose.
You can use NSENTER to get into our container
git clone .
docker build -t docker-magento .
docker run -p 80:80 -link mariadb:db --link memcached:cache -td docker-magento
Please look at these repositories for adding more parameters/configuring them