
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Applying Large Spanish Language Models to NLP Tasks

Lorenzo Alfaro, David



Abstractive summarization has experienced a surge of interest thanks to recent advancements on Transformer-based encoder-decoder models, with standout proposals like PEGASUS, that incorporates explicit pre-training objectives tailored for such a task, exhibiting unprecedented level of performance on natural language generation tasks. However, the humongous amount of data required and the massive computational cost attached to the pre-training of these architectures imposes a substantial burden on their availability in languages other than English, with the very exception of their multi-lingual homologous.

The recent large Spanish language models from the MarIA project, based on the RoBERTa and GPT-2 architectures, have shown promising results, pushing the state-of-the-art on multiple natural language understanding tasks. However, encoder- and decoder-only systems pose as an architecturally suboptimal approach to resolve sequence-to-sequence tasks. In this work, we explore the applicability of these language models for abstractive summarization. To that end, we fine-tune the GPT-2 architecture by casting the summarization task as a language modeling training objective; and we use the RoBERTa counterpart to warm-start the encoder and decoder of sequence-to-sequence models, which can be subsequently fine-tuned employing regular training procedures for sequence transduction tasks.

The trained models deliver competitive results, yielding higher ROUGE scores than the MarIA GPT-2 generative model in a zero-shot setting in all the experiments conducted. We believe this work provides the NLP community with a framework that could be extended to other mono-lingual language models, all with orders of magnitude less computational complexity with respect to the pre-training of encoder-decoder models.


Comparison of ROUGE F1 scores for abstractive summarization in Spanish corpora achieved by other proposals in the literature.

Evaluation on the test set of the Spanish portion of XL-Sum

mT5 (Hasan et al., 2021) 30.93 12.14 23.76
MarIA GPT-2 BASE 21.02 4.37 17.26
MarIA GPT-2 LARGE 22.68 5.39 18.63
MarIA RoBERTa2RoBERTa BASE 21.24 4.74 16.62
MarIA RoBERTa2RoBERTa LARGE 20.89 4.81 16.56

Evaluation on the samples of the test set of the Spanish portion of XL-Sum that fit entirely into MarIA LMs

Distilled mT5 (Fernández, 2022) 28.66 8.80 23.11
MarIA GPT-2 BASE zero-shot 19.35 3.63 16.26
MarIA GPT-2 BASE 25.32 6.90 21.39
MarIA GPT-2 LARGE 28.17 8.79 23.00
MarIA RoBERTa2RoBERTa BASE 25.11 7.07 19.80
MarIA RoBERTa2RoBERTa LARGE 23.67 6.49 18.91

Non-comparable models

These models are not comparable because they were tested on different datasets.

MultiSumm (Cao et al., 2020) 31.18 12.24 26.22
NASes (Ahuir et al., 2021) 30.60 10.75 22.29

Run the ES-Sum web application locally


$ export FLASK_APP=app
$ flask run


> set FLASK_APP=app
> flask run


> $env:FLASK_APP = "app"
> flask run

Run the code

Fine-tune the GPT-2 architecture

usage: gpt2_summarizer_train.py [-h] [--root_dir ROOT_DIR] [--model {base,large}] --batch_size BATCH_SIZE --num_train_epochs NUM_TRAIN_EPOCHS
                                [--gradient_accumulation_steps GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION_STEPS] [--max_grad_norm MAX_GRAD_NORM] [--lr LR]
                                [--n_gpu N_GPU] [--num_workers NUM_WORKERS] [--device {cuda,cpu}] [--do_eval] -o OUTPUT_DIR [--seed SEED]
                                --test_data_dir TEST_DATA_DIR [--max_length MAX_LENGTH] [--temperature TEMPERATURE] [--top_k TOP_K]
                                [--top_p TOP_P]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --root_dir ROOT_DIR   Parent directory containing at least the training and validation datasets to fine tune the model. The data should be      
                        formatted in such way that it can be processed by a `GPT2SumDataset` object. Refer to the `prepare_data.py` script for    
                        further information
  --model {base,large}  Type of BSC GPT2 architecture
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Training batch size
  --num_train_epochs NUM_TRAIN_EPOCHS
                        Number of training epochs
  --gradient_accumulation_steps GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION_STEPS
                        Accumulated gradients run integer K small batches of size N before doing a backward pass.
  --max_grad_norm MAX_GRAD_NORM
                        Max norm of the gradients
  --lr LR               Initial learning rate
  --n_gpu N_GPU         Number of GPUs available
  --num_workers NUM_WORKERS
                        Number of workers (CPUs) available
  --device {cuda,cpu}   torch.device object representing the device on which a torch.Tensor is or will be allocated.
  --do_eval             Assess performance on test set (located as a subdirectory of `root_dir` and named after "test") once the model has been   
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Path to save the trained model and the evaluation results
  --seed SEED           Initialization state of a pseudo-random number generator to grant reproducibility of the experiments
  --test_data_dir TEST_DATA_DIR
                        Parent directory containing the test dataset.
  --max_length MAX_LENGTH
                        Max summary length
  --temperature TEMPERATURE
                        Introduce randomness of the predictions by scaling the model logits before applying softmax
  --top_k TOP_K         Keep only top k tokens with highest probability (top-k filtering)
  --top_p TOP_P         Keep the top tokens with cumulative probability >= top_p (nucleus filtering)

Evaluate the GPT-2 fine-tuned model

usage: gpt2_summarizer_inference.py [-h] --train_data_dir TRAIN_DATA_DIR --test_data_dir TEST_DATA_DIR [--model {base,large}] --batch_size
                                    BATCH_SIZE --num_train_epochs NUM_TRAIN_EPOCHS [--gradient_accumulation_steps GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION_STEPS]    
                                    [--max_length MAX_LENGTH] [--num_workers NUM_WORKERS] [--temperature TEMPERATURE] [--top_k TOP_K]
                                    [--top_p TOP_P] [--device DEVICE] -o OUTPUT_DIR

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --train_data_dir TRAIN_DATA_DIR
                        Parent directory containing the training dataset on which the model has been trained.
  --test_data_dir TEST_DATA_DIR
                        Parent directory containing the test dataset.
  --model {base,large}  Type of BSC GPT2 architecture
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
  --num_train_epochs NUM_TRAIN_EPOCHS
                        Number of training epochs
  --gradient_accumulation_steps GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION_STEPS
                        Accumulated gradients run integer K small batches of size N before doing a backward pass.
  --max_length MAX_LENGTH
                        Max summary length
  --num_workers NUM_WORKERS
                        Number of workers (CPUs) available
  --temperature TEMPERATURE
                        Introduce randomness of the predictions by scaling the model logits before applying softmax
  --top_k TOP_K         Keep only top k tokens with highest probability (top-k filtering)
  --top_p TOP_P         Keep the top tokens with cumulative probability >= top_p (nucleus filtering)
  --device DEVICE       torch.device object
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        path to save the trained model and evaluation results

Fine-tune the RoBERTa architecture

usage: roberta_encdec_train.py [-h] [--data_dir DATA_DIR] [--model {base,large}] [--tie_weights] --batch_size BATCH_SIZE --num_train_epochs
                               NUM_TRAIN_EPOCHS [--gradient_accumulation_steps GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION_STEPS]
                               [--summary_min_length SUMMARY_MIN_LENGTH] [--summary_max_length SUMMARY_MAX_LENGTH] [--lr LR] -mo MODEL_DIR -o     
                               OUTPUT_DIR [--seed SEED]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --data_dir DATA_DIR   Parent directory containing at least the training and validation datasets to fine tune the model. The data should be      
                        formatted in such way that it can be processed by a `GPT2SumDataset` object. Refer to the `prepare_data.py` script for    
                        further information
  --model {base,large}  Type of BSC RoBERTa architecture
  --tie_weights         Tie encoder decoder weights
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Training batch size
  --num_train_epochs NUM_TRAIN_EPOCHS
                        Number of training epochs
  --gradient_accumulation_steps GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION_STEPS
                        Accumulated gradients run integer K small batches of size N before doing a backward pass.
  --summary_min_length SUMMARY_MIN_LENGTH
                        Minimum length of the decoder output.
  --summary_max_length SUMMARY_MAX_LENGTH
                        Maximum length of the decoder output.
  --lr LR               Initial learning rate
  -mo MODEL_DIR, --model_dir MODEL_DIR
                        Directory to save the trained model (and intermediate checkpoints)
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Directory to save the trained model and the evaluation results
  --seed SEED           Initialization state of a pseudo-random number generator to grant reproducibility of the experiments

Evaluate the RoBERTa2RoBERTa fine-tuned model

usage: roberta_encdec_inference.py [-h] [--train_data_dir TRAIN_DATA_DIR] [--test_data_dir TEST_DATA_DIR] [--model {base,large}] [--tie_weights]
                                   --batch_size BATCH_SIZE --num_train_epochs NUM_TRAIN_EPOCHS
                                   [--gradient_accumulation_steps GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION_STEPS] [--summary_min_length SUMMARY_MIN_LENGTH]        
                                   [--summary_max_length SUMMARY_MAX_LENGTH] [--train_summary_min_length TRAIN_SUMMARY_MIN_LENGTH]
                                   [--train_summary_max_length TRAIN_SUMMARY_MAX_LENGTH] [--temperature TEMPERATURE] [--top_k TOP_K]
                                   [--top_p TOP_P] [--num_beams NUM_BEAMS] -mo MODEL_DIR [--checkpoint_at_step CHECKPOINT_AT_STEP] [--seed SEED]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --train_data_dir TRAIN_DATA_DIR
                        Parent directory containing the training dataset on which the model has been trained.
  --test_data_dir TEST_DATA_DIR
                        Parent directory containing the test dataset.
  --model {base,large}  Type of BSC RoBERTa architecture
  --tie_weights         Tie encoder decoder weights
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Training batch size
  --num_train_epochs NUM_TRAIN_EPOCHS
                        Number of training epochs
  --gradient_accumulation_steps GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION_STEPS
                        Accumulated gradients run integer K small batches of size N before doing a backward pass.
  --summary_min_length SUMMARY_MIN_LENGTH
                        Minimum length of the decoder output.
  --summary_max_length SUMMARY_MAX_LENGTH
                        Maximum length of the decoder output.
  --train_summary_min_length TRAIN_SUMMARY_MIN_LENGTH
                        Minimum length of the decoder output.
  --train_summary_max_length TRAIN_SUMMARY_MAX_LENGTH
                        Maximum length of the decoder output.
  --temperature TEMPERATURE
                        Introduce randomness of the predictions by scaling the model logits before applying softmax
  --top_k TOP_K         Keep only top k tokens with highest probability (top-k filtering)
  --top_p TOP_P         Keep the top tokens with cumulative probability >= top_p (nucleus filtering)
  --num_beams NUM_BEAMS
                        Number of beams in Beam search
  -mo MODEL_DIR, --model_dir MODEL_DIR
                        Directory to save the trained model (and intermediate checkpoints)
  --checkpoint_at_step CHECKPOINT_AT_STEP
                        Load a checkpoit at a specific training step
  --seed SEED           Initialization state of a pseudo-random number generator to grant reproducibility of the experiments

Code dependences
