
A pytorch implement of single-cell multiomic integrating method MoClust.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A pytorch implement of single-cell multi-omics clustering method MoClust.



Single-cell multiomics sequencing techniques have rapidly developed in the past few years. Analyzing single-cell multiomics data may give us novel perspectives to dissect cellular heterogeneity, yet integrative analysis remains challenging. The inherited high-dimensional and highly sparse omics data making it a great difficulty to reduce the dimension of each omic data. And existing integration methods are mostly stumped by aligning the omic-specific latent features and obtaining a cell state representation well suited for clustering.

We present MoClust, a novel joint clustering methods that can be applied to several types of single-cell multiomics data. Introducing a contrastive learning based alignment technique, MoClust is able to to learn common representations that well suited for clustering, while simultaneously considering the topology structure of latent features. Furthermore,we proposed a novel automatic doublet discovery module that can efficiently find doublets without manually setting a threshold. Extensive experiments demonstrated the powerful alignment and clustering ability of MoClust.


python >= 3.8

  • scanpy == 1.6.0
  • numpy == 1.21.6
  • pandas == 1.3.5
  • torch == 1.10.2
  • scikit-learn == 1.0.2
  • scipy == 1.4.1
  • seaborn == 0.9.0
  • tabulate = 0.8.9
  • typing == 3.5.0
  • pydantic == 1.10.2

Data Format

Before we get started, we need to preprocess your CITE-seq or SNARE-seq data

- RNA data -- a cell x gene csv file
- Protein data -- a cell x protein csv file
- ATAC data --  a cell x peak csv file
    - the columns of ATAC file should be like chr1:56782095-56782395

A gtf file compatible with your data is also needed when training MoClust over SNARE-seq data

Train MoClust over Multi-Omics data

We provide an example CITE-seq data with ground truth labels, you can train MoClust over it by

python main_citeseq --RNA_raw_matrix='/rna_mat.csv' --ADT_raw_matrix='/prt_mat.csv -- have_labels=True --labels_path='/labels.csv'

You can train MoClust over un-annotated CITE-seq data by

python main_citeseq --RNA_raw_matrix='/rna.csv' --ADT_raw_matrix='/adt.csv

You can train MoClust over un-annotated SNARE-seq data by

python main_snareseq --RNA_raw_matrix='/rna.csv' --ATAC_raw_matrix='/atac.csv --gtf='/gencode.v39.annotation.gtf'

Parameters of Moclust

The list of parameters is given below:

  • RNA_raw_matrix: the path of rna matrix csv file

  • ADT_raw_matrix: the path of protein matrix csv file

  • have_labels: have ground truth or not

  • labels_path: the path of ground truth csv file

  • highly_genes: the number of highly variable genes to be selected

  • device: the number of cuda device to be used

  • model_savepath: the path of the pth file to save the trained model

  • results_savepath: the path of a folder to save results

MoClust Model Parameters:

  • nclusters: the number of clusters

  • encoder_rna_layer: the dimensions of hidden layers of RNA encoder, default as [256,64,32]

  • encoder_adt_layer: the dimensions of hidden layers of protein encoder, default as [32]

  • use_bn: Use batch norm or not in the DDC module

  • nhidden: the dimension of the hidden layer in DDC module, default as 16

Training settings:

  • batch_size:default as 256

  • lr: learning rate, default as 1e-3

  • max_epoch: max training epoch, default as 200

  • test_interval: test frequency, default as 10


  • loss_weights: the weights of loss terms ddc_1|ddc_2|ddc_3|zinb_1|contrast, default as [1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0]

  • rel_sigma: sigma value used when calculating similarity matrix K in Eq (9)(10), default as 0.1

  • tau: tau value used when calculating cosine similarity between latent representations in Eq (6), default as 0.1

  • delta: constrains the strength of contrastive loss in Eq (13), default as 0.1

Quick Install

Package MoClust can be directly downloaded by

conda create -n MoClust python=3.8
conda activate MoClust
pip install MoClust==0.0.5

Train MoClust over Multi-Omics data

We provide an example to apply MoClust over CITE-seq data using package MoClust

import MoClust
import torch

device = torch.device("cuda",0)
views = [rna_mat, prt_mat]
train_dataset = MoClust.multiviewDataset(views,labels, device ,highly_genes=[[0],[2000]])
sampler = torch.utils.data.RandomSampler(train_dataset)
train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
print("Building Multimodal dataset done with {} cells loaded.".format(len(train_dataset)))  

import time

encoder1_cfg = MoClust.encoder_cfg(Layer=(np.shape(train_dataset.views[0].X)[1],256,64,32))
encoder2_cfg = MoClust.encoder_cfg(Layer=(np.shape(train_dataset.views[1].X)[1],32))
mvencoder_cfg = MoClust.mvencoder_cfg(view1_encoder_cfg=encoder1_cfg, view2_encoder_cfg=encoder2_cfg)
ddc_cfg = MoClust.DDC_config(n_clusters=6, n_hidden=32,device=0)
loss_cfg = MoClust.Loss_config(n_clusters=6,device=0, funcs="ddc_1|ddc_2|ddc_3|zinb_1|contrast",
                               rel_sigma=0.15, tau=0.01, delta=0.1, gamma=1.0)
optimizer_cfg = MoClust.Optimizer_config(learning_rate=0.0002)
mvnet_cfg = MoClust.scMVC_contrast_config(multiview_encoders_config=mvencoder_cfg,
                                          cm_config=ddc_cfg, loss_config=loss_cfg,

scMVC_contrast_model = MoClust.scMVC_contrast(mvnet_cfg).to(device)
t0 = time.time()
MoClust.train_cfg(scMVC_contrast_model, train_loader, 100, train_loader, 256, 10)
t1 = time.time()
trun = t1 - t0
print("MoClust running time: %s s"%trun)