Accelerating Dual Momentum

This is an adaptation of the Accelerating Dual Momentum tactical asset allocation model which was originally described here.

Some preliminary performance stats:


The rules are as follows:

  • This strategy allocates 100% of the portfolio to a single asset each month.
  • At the close on the first trading day of the month, calculate a “momentum score” for two asset classes: the S&P 500 (represented by SPY) and small cap equities (VBR), by averaging each asset’s 1, 3 and 6-month total return.
  • If the momentum score of SPY > VBR and > 0, go long SPY at the close.
  • If the momentum score of VBR > SPY and > 0, go long VBR at the close.
  • If neither condition is true, go long either long-term US Treasuries (TLT) or US TIPS (TIP), whichever has the highest 1-month return.
  • Hold position until the first trading day of the following month.



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