
Automatically download bing wallpaper at a resolution of 4K+

Primary LanguagePython



Automatically download bing wallpaper at a resolution of 4K+

Some images may have a resolution of 1080p


  • Python 3
  • Python packages: requests, argparse, pandas


  • running python3 main.py does everything
  • HTMLGenerator.py file creates webpages for the wallpapers, to avoid that, use --no-html or --image-only
  • by using --no-image along with --no-html, the script updates source_list.csv only
  • --update updates the source_list.csv files and performs backup without downloading images and generating html files
  • using --no-cache option will DELETEs and rebuilds the source_list file. BE CAREFUL WHEN USING THIS OPTION!
  • --use-wget option will use wget tool in system instead of Python requests package
  • --no-fetch option stops it from updating source_list.csv. The program will only read existing source_list (if it do).
  • other parameters works as what their name indicates