
class notes and labs for cs49n.

Primary LanguageC


This is a lab-based class. We will do two 2-hour labs each week. You should be able to complete almost all of the lab in one sitting.

You will write "bare-metal" code (i.e., no OS, no other code besides yours and some minimal starter code from us) to control as many hardware devices and/or do as many low-level tricks on a raspberry pi A+ as we can fit in the quarter.

After this quarter, you'll know/enact many cool things your peers do not. You will also have a too-rare concrete understanding of how computation works on real hardware. This understanding will serve you in many other contexts.

We try to work directly with primary-sources (mostly: the Broadcom manual and the ARM6 manual, both in the docs/ directory) since understanding such prose is one of the main super-powers of good systems hackers.


  1. A MacOS or Linux machine. Not windows, not Windows running VMare. We've had too many issues.
  2. Able to install and setup the tool chain. See Lab1.
  3. Gone through K&R at least twice, including once recently.

Who this class is for:

  1. If you are good at coding or, not necessarily good at coding now, but have a lot of time to spend on this class AND
  2. You are inherently interested in figuring out how things work.

The people that found the class valuable in the past were entirely drawn from this demographic. I would say that if you struggle building stuff and/or are not already interested in the topic, then it's probably better to take a different class.

Before class: 0. Clone this repo: git clone git@github.com:dddrrreee/cs49n-19spr.git. You may need to install git on your laptop.

  1. Make sure you have some way to write a micro-SD card and understand how to do so. Note that newer Macs do not have SD card slots so you will need an adaptor. Make sure when you plug in an SD card you know how to find where it is mounted.
  2. Make sure you have some way to plug in a USB adaptor. Note, as above, newer Macs do not have USB ports so you may need a USB-C to USB adaptor.
  3. Figure out how to add a directory to your PATH. This will be valuable all quarter. The exact mechanics are shell-dependent. For bash look in .bashrc, for tcsh look in .tcshrc etc.


  1. Each lab will have a check-off that you need to complete, if not in the lab itself, within 7 days.
  2. There is a final project. You will have an expense account at sparkfun.com and adafruit.com to buy whatever devices you like and build something interesting.
  3. Participation: if you have something to say, can help people out, figure out interesting things, etc you'll do fine.
  4. Class is not optional: from past experience, if someone falls behind, it's very hard to catch up. So other than a few pre-excused absences, you must be at each lab.


Rather than me talking alot, this class will mainly be you doing alot. The trouble with talking classes (I've taken and taught many) is that it's easy to fool yourself into thinking you understand something, but when you open a code buffer and have to actually type the next language token, you realize that, no, you do not. Talking classes are also typically boring. We will go the other way: you're mostly going to write code and wire up hardware since it absolutely requires you know what the next thing to do is. In addition, the labs are deliberately structured as a sequence of concrete problems, which makes it easier to get in a hyper-focused flow state since there's always the next thing to do: hard enough to be interesting, not so hard you get tired.

Each class you will come in with nothing other than some background reading, hack for a few hours and then have a new trick or ability that you didn't before. I've tried to focus on topics where if you do them on your own it's easy to get stuck since you are missing a single key fact. In the lab setting you will do the interesting work yourself, but we will be able to supply the few sentences that make the difference between completing in a couple of hours vs perhaps days.

This class goes faster than the typical freshman seminar, and there is significantly more coding. The benefit is that at the end you will have a much better grounding in what is actually going on when code runs on a real machine. You will also have abilities most of your peers (at least at Stanford) lack. It's exactly the kind of thing you should learn early, since it will pay off in each subsequent year --- the longer the rectangle, the larger its area. This is a class I wish I had taken when I was younger.

As stated above, this class is structured where you will write the code to control 1-2 hardware devices (sonar, accelerometers, IR sensors, etc) each week. This code will be "bare metal" in that there is no operating system, and no other code besides what you write. Some benefits of bare-metal:

  1. You don't have to waste time fighting a massive OS that won't get out of it's own way.

  2. You have total control over the machine, and can do things infeasible on a general purpose OS (e.g., it's easy to do nanosecond-accurate timed operations).

  3. There is no mystery: all code is yours. The grounding you gain from getting to the "that's all there is?" level is non-trivial. It's no longer "turtles all the way down" but, rather, a few assembly files you've written yourself and could rewrite for a new machine without much drama.

We use the Raspberry pi A+ because it has a relatively small form factor, is relatively cheap, and has reasonable documentation (the ARMv6 manual, the broadcom docs, and blog posts). Despite it's somewhat hobby-ist/cute-sy reputation among the hard-core, the issues you deal with here show up on the rest of the alternatives, and once you understand how to do things here, you should be able to do them on other hardware platforms.

The labs are here. They will fluctuate depending on the experience of people in the class, or what makes sense based on interest level, but the ones there should give you a rough feeling of what we will be doing.