
Snippets showing how a GraphQL api can be reshaped to expose subsets of the information or with a different structure.

In this case the open countries GraphQL API is reshaped, though any GraphQL schema within StepZen can be reshaped. That is if the root operation fields and types are in the StepZen schema, then they can be reshaped, regardless of how they are produced.

Countries API

stepzen import graphql was used to import the open countries API ( with a prefix of Countries_. The prefix provides clarity on which are the types and fields that we do not want to expose, and allows a natural name space for the types we do want to expose, for example we want to expose a field returning Country that is a reshaping of the Countries_Country



reshape/basic.graphql demonstrates some basic reshaping.

Field invokes Query.Countries_country and reshapes the result into type Country instead of returning the underlying Countries_Country.

The reshapes are:

  • The field returns Country type with fields code and capital taken directly from Countries_Country.
  • is a rename of Countries_Country.native so that the name of the country is returned in its native language.
  • Country.landmass pulls a value from a child object type field and renames it, a rename of
  • Country.languages pulls a field from an list of child object types and converts it to a simple list of String values, a rename of Countries_Country.languages.native.


StepZen field based access rules are used to only expose the reshaped top-level fields (when not using an admin or api key).

This means an authenticated client (in this case open access, typically with a JWT) will only see the fields and types of the resphaped API. These clients have no visibility into the underlying countries Query fields and types.

Deploying and exploring

You can simply run

stepzen deploy

at the root of this repository. This will deploy the endpoint named test/reshape.

Sample operations are in operations.graphql with examples of running them using stepzen request in Operations.