
Practice on cifar100(ResNet, DenseNet, VGG, GoogleNet, InceptionV3, InceptionV4, Inception-ResNetv2, Xception, Resnet In Resnet, ResNext,ShuffleNet)

Primary LanguagePython


practice on cifar100 using pytorch


This is my experiment eviroument, pytorch0.4 should also be fine

  • python3.5
  • pytorch1.0
  • tensorflow1.5
  • cuda8.0
  • cudnnv5
  • tensorboardX1.6


1. enter directory

$ cd pytorch-cifar100

2. change cifar100 dataset path in conf/global_settings.py

I will use cifar100 dataset from torchvision since it's more convient, but I also kept the code sample for write your own dataset module in dataset folder, as an example for people don't know how to write it.

3. run tensorbard

Install tensorboardX (a tensorboard wrapper for pytorch)

$ pip install tensorboardX
$ mkdir runs
Run tensorboard
$ tensorboard --logdir='runs' --port=6006 --host='localhost'

4. train the model

You need to specify the net you want to train using arg -net

$ python train.py -net vgg16

The supported net args are:


Normally, the weights file with the best accuracy would be written to the disk with name suffix 'best'(default in checkpoint folder).

5. test the model

Test the model using test.py

$ python test.py -net vgg16 -weights path_to_vgg16_weights_file

Implementated NetWork

Training Details

I follow the hyperparameter settings in paper Improved Regularization of Convolutional Neural Networks with Cutout, which is init lr = 0.1 divide by 5 at 60th, 120th, 160th epochs, train for 200 epochs with batchsize 128 and weight decay 5e-4, Nesterov momentum of 0.9. You could also use the hyperparameters from paper Regularizing Neural Networks by Penalizing Confident Output Distributions and Random Erasing Data Augmentation, which is initial lr = 0.1, lr divied by 10 at 150th and 225th epochs, and training for 300 epochs with batchsize 128, this is more commonly used. You could decrese the batchsize to 64 or whatever suits you, if you dont have enough gpu memory.

You can choose whether to use TensorBoard to visualize your training procedure


The result I can get from a certain model, you can try yourself by finetuning the hyperparameters. I didn't use any training tricks to improve accuray, if you want to learn more about training tricks, please refer to my another repo, contains various common training tricks and their pytorch implementations.

dataset network params top1 err top5 err memory epoch(lr = 0.1) epoch(lr = 0.02) epoch(lr = 0.004) epoch(lr = 0.0008) total epoch
cifar100 shufflenet 1.0M 29.94 8.35 0.84GB 60 60 40 40 200
cifar100 vgg16_bn 34.0M 27.77 8.84 2.83GB 60 60 40 40 200
cifar100 resnet18 11.2M 24.39 6.95 3.02GB 60 60 40 40 200
cifar100 resnet34 21.3M 23.24 6.63 3.22GB 60 60 40 40 200
cifar100 resnet50 23.7M 22.61 6.04 3.40GB 60 60 40 40 200
cifar100 resnet101 42.7M 22.22 5.61 3.72GB 60 60 40 40 200
cifar100 resnet152 58.3M 22.31 5.81 4.36GB 60 60 40 40 200
cifar100 resnext50 14.8M 22.23 6.00 1.91GB 60 60 40 40 200
cifar100 resnext101 25.3M 22.22 5.99 2.63GB 60 60 40 40 200
cifar100 resnext152 33.3M 22.40 5.58 3.18GB 60 60 40 40 200
cifar100 densenet121 7.0M 22.99 6.45 1.28GB 60 60 40 40 200
cifar100 densenet161 26M 21.56 6.04 2.10GB 60 60 60 40 200
cifar100 densenet201 18M 21.46 5.9 2.10GB 60 60 40 40 200
cifar100 googlenet 6.2M 22.09 5.94 2.10GB 60 60 40 40 200
cifar100 inceptionv3 22.3M 22.81 6.39 2.26GB 60 60 40 40 200
cifar100 xception 21.0M 25.07 7.32 1.67GB 60 60 40 40 200