Deploying a Flask API to Render

Learning Goals

  • Set up your local environment for deploying with Render.
  • Deploy a basic Flask application to Render.

Key Vocab

  • Deployment: the processes that make an application available for its intended use. For web applications, this means moving the application to a platform that supports requests from the internet.
  • Developer Operations (DevOps): the practices and tools that improve a team's ability to develop and deploy applications quickly.
  • PostgreSQL: an open-source relational database system that provides more SQL functionality than SQLite. Unlike SQLite, its data is stored on a server rather than in files.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS): a development and deployment platform that exists on a wide range of servers with different functionality. PaaS solutions reduce maintenance time for a software development team, but can increase cost. Some PaaS solutions, such as Render, provide free tiers for small applications.


In this lesson, we'll be deploying a basic, standalone Flask API application to Render. We'll give instructions to generate the application from scratch and talk through the steps to get the code running on a Render server.

In coming lessons, we'll learn how to add more complexity to the application with a React frontend. Since the setup for a Flask-React application is a bit trickier, it'll be beneficial to see the setup for Flask alone first. Let's get started!

Environment Setup

To make sure you're able to deploy your application, you'll need to do the following:

Sign Up for a Render Account

You can sign up at for a free account at We recommend signing up using your GitHub account- this will streamline the process of connecting your applications to Render later on.

Install PostgreSQL

Render requires that you use PostgreSQL for your database instead of SQLite. PostgreSQL (or just Postgres for short) is an advanced database management system with more features than SQLite. If you don't already have it installed, you'll need to set it up.

PostgreSQL Installation for WSL

To install Postgres for WSL, run the following commands from your Ubuntu terminal:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev

Then confirm that Postgres was installed successfully:

$ psql --version

Run this command to start the Postgres service:

$ sudo service postgresql start

Finally, you'll also need to create a database user so that you are able to connect to the database from Flask. First, check what your operating system username is:

$ whoami

If your username is "ian", for example, you'd need to create a Postgres user with that same name. To do so, run this command to open the Postgres CLI:

$ sudo -u postgres -i

From the Postgres CLI, run this command (replacing "ian" with your username):

$ createuser -sr ian

Then enter control + d or type logout to exit.

This guide has more info on setting up Postgres on WSL if you get stuck.

Postgresql Installation for OSX

To install Postgres for OSX, you can use Homebrew:

$ brew install postgresql

Once Postgres has been installed, run this command to start the Postgres service:

$ brew services start postgresql

Phew! With that out of the way, let's get started on building our Flask application and deploying it to Render.

Creating a Flask App to Deploy

We'll be following the steps in Render's "Deploy a Flask App" guide, so if you get stuck and are looking for more assistance, check that guide first.

The first thing we'll need to do is create our new Flask application. Make sure you're in a non-lab directory, then run:

$ mkdir bird-app && cd $_
$ pipenv install Flask gunicorn psycopg2-binary Flask-SQLAlchemy Flask-Migrate SQLAlchemy-Serializer Flask-RESTful

**NOTE: You may want to specify versions for these packages when you work on your Phase 4 and Phase 5 projects. This will prevent updates to these modules from breaking your code. You can check all versions with the command pipenv requirements.

This will set create an application directory and install some valuable libraries for building a RESTful API. Let's also run the following command to generate a requirements.txt file:

$ pipenv requirements > requirements.txt

requirements.txt is very similar to a Pipfile- the primary difference here is that instead of supporting a local virtual environment through pipenv, it supports the creation of an application environment on a PaaS platform. (There are some different tools that use this file as well.)

Creating a PostgreSQL Database on Render

Using SQLite, our database was generated in a file in our application directory. With PostgreSQL, the database is stored elsewhere- typically on a server dedicated to databases. Ours will be stored on a server at Render.

From your Render dashboard, click the "New+" button and select PostgreSQL:

dropdown menu containing static site, web service, private service, background worker, cron job, postgresql, redis, and blueprint. postgresql is selected.

Next, configure your database with a name, database name, user, and timezone. These can be whichever values you feel are best.

form with fields name, database, user, region, postgresql version, and datadog api key

Finally, create your database. It will expire after 90 days; you can always make a new one, but there are paid options available as well. For now, select the free tier:

payment options for render databases. the free tier is selected. there is a create database button at the bottom that will allow users to finish creating their database

From here, scroll down in the new database configuration page and copy the "External Database URL". Modify the protocol to say postgresql instead of postgres (SQLAlchemy is picky) and run the following command in your project root directory:

$ export DATABASE_URI=<External Database URL goes here>

Now we're ready to start building our app.

Building the Demo App

Let's set up our app, models, and migrations to get things started:


import os

from flask import Flask, jsonify, make_response
from flask_migrate import Migrate
from flask_restful import Api, Resource

from models import db, Bird

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = os.environ.get('DATABASE_URI')
app.json.compact = False

migrate = Migrate(app, db)

api = Api(app)

class Birds(Resource):

    def get(self):
        birds = [bird.to_dict() for bird in Bird.query.all()]
        return make_response(jsonify(birds), 200)

api.add_resource(Birds, '/birds')

from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from sqlalchemy_serializer import SerializerMixin

db = SQLAlchemy()

class Bird(db.Model, SerializerMixin):
    __tablename__ = 'birds'

    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String)
    species = db.Column(db.String)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'<Bird {} | Species: {self.species}>'

Add this data to the file:


from app import app
from models import db, Bird


with app.app_context():

    print('Deleting existing birds...')

    print('Creating bird objects...')
    chickadee = Bird(name='Black-Capped Chickadee', species='Poecile Atricapillus')
    grackle = Bird(name='Grackle', species='Quiscalus Quiscula')
    starling = Bird(name='Common Starling', species='Sturnus Vulgaris')
    dove = Bird(name='Mourning Dove', species='Zenaida Macroura')

    print('Adding bird objects to transaction...')
    db.session.add_all([chickadee, grackle, starling, dove])

    print('Committing transaction...')


Then run these commands to generate the database and run the migrations and seed file:

$ flask db init
# => ...
$ flask db revision --autogenerate -m'create table birds'
# => ...
$ flask db upgrade
# => ...
$ python
# => Deleting existing birds...
# => Creating bird objects...
# => Adding bird objects to transaction...
# => Committing transaction...
# => Complete.

flask db upgrade creates a new PostgreSQL database to be associated with your application based on the configuration on Render and in Unlike with SQLite, the actual database file isn't created in the application's folder; it lives on Render's servers and will not show up in your directory structure at all.

To make sure the app works locally before deploying, run gunicorn app:app and visit http://localhost:8000/birds.

NOTE: gunicorn runs on port 8000 by default. Because this does not conflict with any system ports on MacOS, Windows, or Linux, we won't change it here.


Now that we've got some working code, it's time to get that code to run on a Render server! The process of uploading our code to Render is managed by Git. This makes it easy to deploy new versions using a tool most developers, including yourself, are already familiar with.

Make a commit to save your changes, then push them to a remote repo:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'Initial commit' 

Next, you'll need to create repository in GitHub:

github create repo form. repo is set to public

...and push your work to the new repo:

$ git remote add <remote_name> <remote_repo_url>
$ git push -u <remote_name> <local_branch_name>

Configuring the Environment and Deploying

Head back to the Render dashboard and click "New+" to make a new Web Service. If you connected to GitHub when you signed up, you should see a list of all your repos! Find your bird API and click "Connect".

Give your application a name and configure it as seen below:

configuration screen for a web service in render. the root directory is left blank. environment is Python 3. Region is Ohio (US East). Branch is main. Build command is "pip install -r requirements.txt". start command is "gunicorn app:app"

Click "Create Web Service" to create your web service. (It will fail, though.)

Before our first successful deployment, we need to click on the "Environment" tab and enter two environment variables:


DATABASE_URI is the External Database URL from your PostgreSQL database. Don't forget to change the protocol to postgresql!

Render will automatically deploy your working application now. Your URL is located under your app name at the top of the screen. Click on the link, navigate to /birds, and view your work in all its glory!

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Black-Capped Chickadee",
    "species": "Poecile Atricapillus"
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Grackle",
    "species": "Quiscalus Quiscula"
    "id": 3,
    "name": "Common Starling",
    "species": "Sturnus Vulgaris"
    "id": 4,
    "name": "Mourning Dove",
    "species": "Zenaida Macroura"

Adding New Features

Since Render integrates the deploying process with Git, it's straightforward to add new features to your code and deploy them. Let's start by adding a new route in

class BirdByID(Resource):
    def get(self, id):
        bird = Bird.query.filter_by(id=id).first().to_dict()
        return make_response(jsonify(bird), 200)

api.add_resource(BirdByID, '/birds/<int:id>')

Test your code locally by running gunicorn app:app and visiting https://localhost:8000/birds/1.

After adding this code, make a commit:

$ git add
$ git commit -m 'Added get by ID route'

Then, to deploy the changes, push the new code up to GitHub:

$ git push

After pushing new code, Render will run through the build process again and deploy your changes. You don't have to run your migrations again since the database already exists on the server. You would have to run the migrations if you created a new migration file.


Congrats on deploying your first Flask app to the world wide web! Understanding the deployment process and what it takes to run your application on another computer is an important step toward becoming a full-stack developer. Like anything new, this process can be daunting the first time you try it, but with practice and exposure, you'll build confidence over time.

In the next lesson, we'll work on deploying a more complex application with a Flask API backend and a React frontend, and talk through some of the challenges of running these two applications together.

Check For Understanding

Before you move on, make sure you can answer the following questions:

What familiar process is used for deploying code to Render?


Render integrates natively with GitHub and GitLab. Your application needs to be added manually at first, but syncs automatically upon every new push.

Why did your first deployment fail?

The environment variables had not been set.

Your application depends on certain variables to be set, some of which are set outside of the application itself. This is usually because it is meant to be accessible by every file (like the Python version) or because it is meant to be hidden (like the database URL).
