- 8
cmake failure
#272 opened by zsw667291 - 2
Confusing test executable output
#292 opened by yurivict - 6
/usr/local/include/vexcl/backend/opencl.hpp:39:10: fatal error: CL/cl.hpp: 没有那个文件或目录
#286 opened by dfy888 - 1
‘std::map’ is defined in header ‘<map>’; did you forget to ‘#include <map>’?
#290 opened by Alessandro-Barbieri - 1
ambiguous overload for ‘operator<<' Error.
#289 opened by kafi350 - 3
Is it possible to create an Boost Compute vector and wrap a vexcl vector with Compute vector?
#288 opened by kafi350 - 2
Conversion (Casting) of Vex Vector to Std::vector
#287 opened by kafi350 - 5
Linking Issue!!
#285 opened by kafi350 - 6
Copying Memory location of an OpenCl backend using VexCL and using that location with Boost.compute
#284 opened by kafi350 - 3
can't build doc from tarball
#282 opened by Alessandro-Barbieri - 2
boost compute question
#281 opened by Alessandro-Barbieri - 1
Please make a release
#280 opened by yurivict - 2
Wrapping explicit for loop?
#279 opened by UNDEFINED-BEHAVIOR - 2
- 12
Support for Block SpMV
#274 opened by daaugusto - 9
Failed to create directories / read only file system
#276 opened by DABH - 4
CUDA only support
#275 opened by byronfa - 3
sort,fft,simple_cmake_build. test failed
#273 opened by zsw667291 - 45
Issue backend CUDA with boost 1.69.0 and cuda 10
#269 opened by MaximeRoux - 5
Support for custom kernels vector_view
#268 opened by jkelling - 1
make cann't work
#265 opened by ztdepztdep - 0
make cann't work
#264 opened by ztdepztdep - 2
CUDA warnings
#258 opened by henryiii - 20
AMD SI Cards weird results
#254 opened by skn123 - 1
Support to Sparse Matrix CSC format
#253 opened by aaamourao - 0
Fix OpenCL Travis build
#246 opened by henryiii - 9
std::complex support
#233 opened by PhilipVinc - 2
at() for vectors
#241 opened by henryiii - 2
Examples throw exception on FreeBSD
#240 opened by yurivict - 2
- 4
CL_VERSION_2_0 for Nvida on Ubuntu 16.04?
#237 opened by mw66 - 14
Check Boost::Compute issues
#227 opened by henryiii - 1
- 1
error: ‘Type’ is not a member of ‘vex::Filter’ when VEXCL_BACKEND_CUDA is defined
#235 opened by mw66 - 3
Enable MacOS tests on Travis-CI
#228 opened by ddemidov - 1
Bump CMake version (fixes problems)
#224 opened by henryiii - 1
Odd CMake version
#223 opened by henryiii - 13
- 5
Compilation failure with GCC 4.6
#212 opened by karlrupp - 4
how to read Video
#221 opened by jackweiwang - 3
VEX_FUNCTION w/ void return type
#220 opened by agerlach - 13
- 5
Image support across multiple devices
#218 opened by agerlach - 6
- 1
How to init visual studio project with CMake?
#214 opened by deceased0a - 4
- 3
Support of std::complex
#208 opened by eti-p-doray - 1
Benchmark failure....
#210 opened by skn123 - 1
Compilation error boost 1.62
#209 opened by skn123 - 2