
Project Week #1 Makers Academy :mortar_board:

Primary LanguageRuby

Boris Bikes


This is a small program that mimics the management of Boris Bikes in London

Technologies Used

  • RUBY


Week 1 Project at Makers Academy


This week I paired with the lovely Emily Sas, from whom I learned a great deal. We managed to finish the project in the allotted 3 days, which is always a minor Makers Academy miracle!

Still to complete/refactor

  • Add errors for when bike container is full
  • Add tracking for vans


This was my first foray into pair programming, OOO Design and Back-End Programing and, as you can imagine, it was a challenge on all fronts. My initial impressions of this type of program were (and sometimes still can be...), "but this doesn't DOOOOOO anything!". Since then, I have moved beyond the idea that a computer program is only useful if it sings '100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall' in the command line or if you can click on some cat picture from you web browser.

As for Pair Programing, it was, and continues to be, a lesson in humility. Emily is incredibly bright and talented and keeping up with her was, at times, a challenge. I think we both learned that taking a quick, five minute break-away session to discuss what is and is not working in your partnership is worth hours of hammering away at a program ineffectively. Thanks for the good times Emily!