UnityBehaviorLibrary is a framework for creating behavior trees for game AI.
RootSelector has been refactored to IndexSelector. It works exactly the same, just has a more appropriate name.
Behavior has had an additional constructor added that allows BehaviorComponent objects to be used rather than just RootSelector/IndexSelector objects.
Merged in new Repeater, Succeeder, RepeatUntilFail Decorators.
Added Utility components, see Utility Test cases for test examples.
The basic point is to use a vector of floating numbers representing weights/values that will be paired with a BehaviorComponent object. When a UtilitySelector is called, it will execute a function that returns a UtilityVector that will then be compared against the BehaviorComponents' paired vectors (via a dot product) and select the pair that best matches and execute its Behavior.
It is a fork of https://github.com/NetGnome/BehaviorLibrary
It is simple to use and with that simplicity comes performance.
This means that it makes use of .NET 2.0 and so some adjustments have been made.
//setup all coniditionals and their delegate functions
Conditional tooClose = new Conditional(isTooClose);
Conditional targetMoved = new Conditional(hasTargetMoved);
Conditional pathFound = new Conditional(hasPathBeenFound);
Conditional reachedCell = new Conditional(hasReachedCell);
Conditional reachedTarget = new Conditional(hasReachedTarget);
Conditional isNewPath = new Conditional(hasNewPath);
//setup all actions and their delegate functions
BehaviorAction moveToCell = new BehaviorAction(moveTowardsCell);
BehaviorAction calcPath = new BehaviorAction(calculatePath);
BehaviorAction initPathfinder = new BehaviorAction(initializePathfinder);
BehaviorAction getNextCell = new BehaviorAction(getNextPathCell);
BehaviorAction setPath = new BehaviorAction(setNewPath);
BehaviorAction getPath = new BehaviorAction(getCurrentPath);
BehaviorAction updatePosition = new BehaviorAction(updateTargetPosision);
BehaviorAction reset = new BehaviorAction(resetPathfinder);
BehaviorAction animate = new BehaviorAction(updateAnimation);
//setup an initilization branch
Sequence initialize = new Sequence(initPathfinder, calcPath);
//if the target has moved, reset and calculate a new path
Selector ifMovedCreateNewPath = new Selector(new Inverter(targetMoved), new Inverter(reset), calcPath);
Selector ifPathFoundGetPath = new Selector(new Inverter(pathFound), getPath);
Selector ifPathNewUseIt = new Selector(new Inverter(isNewPath), setPath);
Selector ifReachedCellGetNext = new Selector(new Inverter(reachedCell), getNextCell);
Selector ifNotReachedTargetMoveTowardsCell = new Selector(reachedTarget, moveToCell);
//follow target so long as you're not too close and then animate
Sequence follow = new Sequence(new Inverter(tooClose), updatePosition, ifMovedCreateNewPath, ifPathFoundGetPath, ifPathIsNewUseIt, ifReachedCellGetNext, ifNotReachedTargetMoveTowardsCell, animate);
//setup root node, choose initialization phase or pathing/movement phase
IndexSelector root = new IndexSelector(switchBehaviors, initialize, follow);
//set a reference to the root
Behavior behavior = new Behavior(root);
//to execute the behavior
The tests are written to use UnityTest.
For details on how to run the tests please see http://blogs.unity3d.com/2013/12/18/unity-test-tools-released/