
Primary LanguagePython

Travel Bug Forum App in React & Redux + Django

Visiting USA? This virtual guide is extremely handy, you can scan the entire area
in USA and find invaluable information of major attractions, places of interest,
events, museums, plays, and probable locations of rare species of wild animals which 
you may be lucky enough to get a glimpse of! With this app, you can easily navigate your
visit to USA!

Live Demo

This App uses a Heroku free plan, so I am afraid that it takes time to load the pages.

Check out FRONTEND LIVE DEMO here!!

Check out API LIVE DEMO here!!

Tech used

* Frontend : React & Redux
* Backend : Django

How to Install

  1. Git Clone
git clone https://github.com/Travel-Bug-techis/Travel-Bug.git
  1. Backend setting
cd backend
Python -m venv env
(For Mac) source env/bin/activate
(For Windows) env/Scripts\activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
# Open

# To have dummy data for testing run:
python manage.py fixtures/dummy-data.json
  1. Frontend setting
cd frontend
npm install
npm start
# Open