
Basic example in order to introduction to Directives with GraphQL

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GraphQL - Header

Slides available at this link.

GraphQL Directives - Why and How?


On this repository I have created a basic example about how to use GraphQL Directives, based on Apollo Server and graphql-tools.

The example works around how to control the access to specific fields of an object type, depending on the role which owns the user who is running the request.

Needed resourses

In order to run this example scrtip, it's recomended to have installed in your system the next applications:

Environment configuration

First at all, you need to clone this repository and install the needed NPM modules, following the next steps:

$ git clone https://github.com/ddialar/graphql.directives.101
$ cd graphql.directives.101
$ npm i

If everything was fine, you can start to working on.

After that, you need to load the requests defined for Insomnia which are into the docs/insomnia/requests.json file.

In order to do that, open Insomnia and surf to Application > Preferences > Data > Import Data > From File. Now surf on your file system until the file is located and select it.

Once the file content has been loaded successfully, you must click in the workspaces combobox and select the GQL Directives one.

The last step is to click in the environments combobox and select the Development one.

That is all.

Repository structure

This repository contains two branches: master and auth_directive.

Branch master

This branch contains a pretty basic GraphQL API based on Apollo Server.

Once you have installed all needed modules, you can run the server executing the next command:

$ npm run dev

GServer started up

Now, with Insomnia open, you can run the request Get all users contained into the No Directives folder.

You can check that if you run the query (ctrl + enter or cmd + enter), you receive the whole users data, without any restriction.

Branch auth_directive

At this brach directives are implemented.

Into the src/graphql folder, you will find a new dolder named directives where the AuthDirective business logic is implemented.

In addition, if you check the schema.graphql file, you can see that it has been also edited in order to define the @auth directive.

Now, comming back to Insomnia, you can run the request Get all users GUEST contained into the Auth Directive folder.

You can check that if you run the query (ctrl + enter or cmd + enter), you receive a non authorized error.

// Obtained result.
    "errors": [
            "message": "401 - Non Authorized",
            "locations": [
                    "line": 5,
                    "column": 5

However, if you edit the request commenting or deleting all fields except name and surname, and you run the query again, you will receive users data successfully.

# Edited request.
query {
  getAllUsers {
#     role
#     token
#     createdAt
#     lastLoginAt
// Obtained result.
    "data": {
        "getAllUsers": [
                "name": "John",
                "surname": "Doe"
                "name": "Dailos",
                "surname": "Díaz"

We obtaine this API's behaviour because the @auth directive is applied to specific fields of the object type and this user who is placing the request has not enough authorization role in order to get that fields information.

Finally, if you can run the request Get all users SYSADMIN contained into the Auth Directive folder, you will be able to get the whole users data without any issue. That happends because this user owns the needed role level in order to receive data.