
Automation tool used to create local BOSH Windows stemcells

Primary LanguagePowerShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

BOSH Windows Stemcell Automation slack.cloudfoundry.org

BOSH Windows stemcell automation is an automation tool used to create local BOSH Windows stemcells which can be deployed on Cloud Foundry BOSH.

Supported IaaS

The BOSH Windows stemcell automation tool will create stemcells for the following IaaS:

  • VMware vSphere

Compatibility Matrix

OS Line stemcell automation version Stemcell Version
1803 0.9 1803.8
1709 0.9 1709.19
1803 0.8 1803.7
1709 0.8 1709.18
1803 0.7 1803.6
1709 0.7 1709.17
1803 0.6 1803.5
1709 0.6 1709.16
1803 0.5 1803.4
1709 0.5 1709.15
1803 0.4 1803.3
1709 0.4 1709.14
1709 0.3 1709.13
1803 0.3 1803.2
1709 0.2 1709.11
1803 0.2 1803.1

Supported Windows Server versions

The BOSH Windows stemcell automation tool is compatible with the following Windows versions:

  • Windows Server 1709
  • Windows Server 1803
  • Windows Server 2019


The following need to be downloaded:

  • Local Group Policy Object Utility v2.2 - LGPO.exe
  • The appropriate BOSH Windows stemcell automation release for the desired Windows stemcell version - StemcellAutomation.zip
  • A Windows Server 1709 installation disk ISO

Creating a BOSH Windows stemcell

1. Preparing the VM

The following steps are used to prepare the base VM image that will be used to create the final stemcell.

  1. Refer to Creating a vSphere Windows Stemcell
    1. Review the Quick Overview section
  2. Follow steps 1 through 3 of the guide

2. Running the BOSH Windows stemcell automation tool

The following steps installs the binaries, as well as modify Windows settings and registries, to make it work in a BOSH environment.

  1. Copy the LGPO.zip and StemcellAutomation.zip onto the VM created in the previous step.
  2. Start Powershell
  3. Extract the content of the StemcellAutomation.zip by executing the following command: Expand-Archive .\StemcellAutomation.zip .
  4. Begin the automation process by executing the following command: .\Setup.ps1
    • (Optional) By default the setup script will randomize the Administrator's password. To avoid this, and maintain access to the VM after preparation, use the -SkipRandomPassword flag. For example: .\Setup.ps1 -SkipRandomPassword
    • During this step, the VM will reboot once and the second half of the automation will continue. At this stage, there is no visual feedback for the process; eventually, the VM will shutdown.
    • (Optional) To keep an eye on the progress after the reboot, follow these steps:
      • Log into the VM
      • Start Powershell
      • Execute the following command: Get-Content -Path "C:\provision\log.log" -Wait
  5. Wait for the VM to shutdown

3. Finalizing the stemcell creation process

This steps converts the VM image into a stemcell package.

  1. Follow steps 6 and onward from Creating a vSphere Windows Stemcell guide.