1. Objective-C Classes

You are provided with a Person class. This class has private properties name, phoneNumber and city, along with their getter and setter methods.

  • Write a method called checkSameCity which accepts one parameter of type Person * and checks if they live in the same city. The function should return a boolean value.
  • A Person has recently had a child, whose name is 'Abc'. Write a method called registerChild which takes 0 parameters and returns a new Person * instance represeting the child, which has the same phoneNumber and city as the parent.

2. Cryptography : Caesar Cipher

The Roman General Julius Caesar used to correspond with his generals using a secret code. He devised a way of encrypting his messages using a simple encryption scheme now known as Caesar Cipher or Shift Cipher. You can read more about it here and watch a video here

  • You are given a class called CaesarCipher with methods encode and decode
  • Being amateur codebreakers, we want to know if two distinct looking ciphers correspond to the same input message. Write a method called codeBreaker, which accepts two cipher strings as paramaters and returns a boolean value which tells us whether they are actually the same input message encoded using two different offsets. hint: the maximum offset is 25
  • There are multiple ways to do this. Try to come up with as many solutions as you can.

okmg = "mike", offset 2
tprl = "mike", offset 7

Both are the same input message, but different offset. Your method would return YES in this case

3. BONUS : Voting System

You are given 3 classes

  • ElectionManager
    • Conducts an election.
    • Controls start of voting
  • Election
    • Maintains a list of contenders
  • Contender
    • Represents details about a contender
    • What is the contender's name?
    • How many votes has he received?

Write a program to simulate an election. Create a class called VotingSimulator. In the main function, you are required to do the following:

  1. Create an Election object, and given the Election a name
  2. Create a few Contender objects. Add these to the Election object. Make sure that the contender names are distinct!
  3. Create a ElectionManager object. Ask it to manage the Election object created above.
  4. Ask the ElectionManager to initiatePolling
  5. Follow the instructions on the console. After each round of polling you will be asked(within the console) whether you want to continue or not.
  6. Ask the ElectionManager to displayResults

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