
Design abstract for developing simple declarative and modular Restful APIs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Restful API Design Abstract

Design patttern for developing simple, declarative, and modular Restful APIs


Clone this repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/ddluc/restful-api-design.git

Install Dependencies:

cd into the api directory and then use npm to install the dependencies

$ cd restful-api-design
$ cd api
$ npm install

Create the database:

In order to create a new database with mongo, you simply use [database] with mongo. Then you need to save a new document to the database in order for it to persist. Since you will need a user inorder to create users in the app, go ahead and save a new document to the user colllection.

$ mongo
$ > use [database]
$ > db.users.save({"username":'lucas', password:'123'})

Set Environment:

$ export DATABASE_CONNECTION_URI='mongodb://localhost/[database]'


$ node app.js


Example request:

Let's login first, as some of the other available endpoints require a user key.

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username":"lucas","password":"123"}' http://localhost:3000/users/login

This should respond with a JSON object containing the key, which you can then use to create new users