
Mojolicious framework for desktop applications :dromedary_camel:

Primary LanguagePerlArtistic License 2.0Artistic-2.0


License: Artistic-2.0

Tabula is a Mojolicious framework for desktop applications.
It is available only for Unix-like operating systems.

Tabula CPAN Dependencies

  • Browser::Open
  • Mojolicious::Lite
  • Mojolicious::Plugin::AccessControl
  • Mojo::IOLoop::ReadWriteFork
  • UI::Dialog

Tabula Demo CPAN Dependency

  • AnyEvent


tabula --browser=<browser> --port=<port> --no-port-test  

Optional arguments:
  Possible values:
  1. none - no browser is started
     This value is useful when Tabula is started by a custom browser application.
  2. default - system default browser is found and used
  3. chrome - Chrome browser is started in App Mode:
     chromium-browser --app=http://localhost:<first_available_port>
  3. full path to a browser binary like:
  4. browser command on PATH like:
  Possible values:
  1. single port number like:
  2. port range like:
  Privileged ports equal to or below port 1024 or Chrome unsafe ports
  are not accepted for security reasons!
  Do not test the supplied single port.
  This option is useful when Tabula is started by a custom browser application.
  this help

If run without arguments, Tabula operates like started with the command line:  
tabula --browser=default --port=3000-9000  
The first available port between ports 3000 and 9000 is be used.  
Closing all websockets closes the server process too.  

Tabula is licensed under the Artistic License 2.0.
Dimitar D. Mitov, 2017 - 2018