
【Android Tiny系列】一个简洁的Android日志库

Primary LanguageJava


A tiny log library for android



  1. we will use Android Log API as "Log.d(TAG, content)" finally, and actually we should think how to generate tag and content better.
  2. Android Log API is a static method, and be invoked frequently. so we should not new objects frequently to invoke like that.
  3. easy to use, and more configurations to choose.


  1. switch to log to console or not;
  2. switch to log to file or not;
  3. click the log to jump to the code position automatically;
  4. log to file by customized size;
  5. output content can be encrypted;


  1. Desing Pattern
    1. Singleton Pattern
  2. Skill Point
    1. ExecutorService
    2. synchronized
    3. new Throwable()


  1. initialize TinyLog.config().setEnable(BuildConfig.DEBUG).setWritable(true).setLogPath(getLogDir()).setFileSize(1).setEncrypt("1234567812345678").setLogCallBack(mLogCallBack).apply(); You can init TinyLog like that, and you can choose enable, writable, logpath, filesize, encrypt and callback or not; if you don't set, they also have default value.

  2. api

    1. TinyLog.v/d/i/w/e("content");
    2. TinyLog.v/d/i/w/e("tag", "content");
    3. TinyLog.v/d/i/w/e("tag", "content", "arg1");
    4. TinyLog.e("content", e, "arg1")
    5. TinyLog.e("tag", "content", e, "arg1")


  1. save as Json format;
  2. save as Xml format;
  3. save log to customized file;
  4. multi process support;