
light-weight c++ based http/s streamer

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


a light-weight, fast and cross-platform c++ library for http/s streaming and recording based on FFmpeg


  • streaming:
    • video/audio streaming for multiple sources
    • http streaming
    • optional https streaming with OpenSSLas dependency
    • sources could be any live stream, camera, webcam, file and whatever FFmpeg supports
    • custom stream encoding for video and audio
    • stream authentication
    • preferred transport container selection
  • record:
    • record sources to mp4,mkv,... files
    • chunked record by size or duration
    • record to defined files without chunking
    • custom video and audio encoding
    • optional batch writes to disk
  • webcam:
    • record
    • streaming with custom encoding
    • auto defined encoding config if not defined
  • local media files:
    • stream, record and reencode
    • seek
    • speed change
  • cross-platform: compiles for any platform with a c++17 compiler
  • light-weight and fast with low overhead


  • FFmpeg 5.1.* or later
  • OpenSSL 1.1.* for https

Run depends.sh to get depedent libs for your current OS. All dependencies are put into 3rdparty directory.

depends.sh gets pre-compiled FFmpeg libraries that include the most commonly used decoders and encoders, optimized for a suitable build size. If you require additional encoders or decoders not included in these builds, you can provide your own compiled FFmpeg libraries.


Run in terminal:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake /path/to/lxstreamer

lxstreamer is built as a static lib. Examples are also built by default which could be disabled by trunning off CMake option BUILD_EXAMPLES.

HTTPS option should be ON for https capability with OpenSSL libs in 3rdparty directory.

Usage samples

A simple http streamer on port 8000 streaming a local video file:

lxstreamer::streamer streamer{8000};
streamer.add_source({"src1", "path/to/local/video/file"});

https streamer with multiple sources:

lxstreamer::streamer streamer{8000, true};
// set ssl cert and key file names in app dir (or full pathes)
streamer.set_ssl_cert_path("server.pem", "server.key");
streamer.add_source({"src1", "rtsp://"});
streamer.add_source({"src2", "rtsp://"});

a streamer with a webcam as a source, streaming in h264 codec with max 500 kb/s bandwidth:

lxstreamer::streamer streamer{8000};

lxstreamer::source_args_t args;
args.name                              = "webcam1";
args.url                               = "avdevice::video=USB2.0_Camera";
args.video_encoding_view.codec         = lxstreamer::codec_t::h264;
args.video_encoding_view.max_bandwidth = 500; // kb/s


A streamer recording an added source in chunks of 100 MB mkv files, buffering packets and writing every 3 seconds to disk:

lxstreamer::streamer streamer{8000};
streamer.add_source({"src1", "rtsp://"});

lxstreamer::record_options_t opt;
opt.format         = lxstreamer::file_format_t::mkv;
opt.file_size      = 100; // MB
opt.write_interval = 3; // seconds
streamer.start_recording("src1", opt);


turn off stdout logging, make it verbose and use a custom handler to write messages and errors to files:

lxstreamer::streamer streamer{8000};

// create and open log files
std::ofstream trace_log("log_trace.txt", std::ios_base::app);
std::ofstream normal_log("log_normal.txt", std::ios_base::app);

    [&](std::string str, lxstreamer::log_level_t level) {
        if (level == lxstreamer::log_level_t::trace) {
            trace_log << str << std::endl;
        } else {
            normal_log << str << std::endl;


To get stream in a client the following format should be used:

  • for http
  • for https

For stream authentication you can set auth_session value when adding a source to streamer. Then clients should provide a session in stream query with the proper value:



Copyright (C) 2022-present Nejat Afshar nejatafshar@gmail.com

Distributed under the MIT License (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)