Plugin for unity for creation

This plugin integrates with metamask on android and iOS.

1. Install SDK

  1. Download mirageSDK.unitypackage from latest release.
  2. Drag and drop it to the Assets folder.
  3. Import all

2. Getting started

To start work with plugin you need to acquire our SDK wrapper instance through one of .GetSDkInstance methods.

var mirageSDKWrapper = MirageSDKWrapper.GetSDKInstance(ERC20ContractInformation.ProviderURL);

To work with contracts you need to get a IContract instance from our SDKWrapper, for that call GetContract(...)

string abi = "...";
string contract_address = "0x...";

IContract contract = mirageSDKWrapper.GetContract(contract_address, abi);

IContract interface

  • Task CallMethod(string methodName, object[] arguments, string gas = null)*
    Use for call methods of a contract deployed to blockchain. Returns string with transaction hash.
string receipt = await contract.CallMethod("methodName", new object[0]);

  • Task GetTransactionInfo(string receipt)*
    Use for get transaction details like status, nonce and etc. Returns transaction, which is a Nethereum DataContract containing all the needed information about transaction.
Transaction trx = await contract.GetTransactionInfo(receipt);

  • Task GetData<FieldData, ReturnType>(FieldData requestData = null)*
    To get data from mappings and call contract methods that no need of mining use this method.

You need to prepare DTO class based on the arguments of a contract method.

Contract method:

function balanceOf(address owner) public view virtual override returns (uint256)


[Function("balanceOf", "uint256")]
public class BalanceOfMessage : FunctionMessage
	[Parameter("address", "_owner", 1)]
	public virtual string Owner { get; set; }

Returns ReturnType

BalanceOfMessage balanceOfMessage = new BalanceOfMessage()
	Owner = WalletConnect.ActiveSession.Accounts[0]
BigInteger balance = await contract.GetData<BalanceOfMessage, BigInteger>(balanceOfMessage);

  • Task<List<EventLog>> GetAllChanges(EventFilterData evFilter = null)*
    Use it to get events from a contract.

You need to prepare DTO class based on the fields of an event.


event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);


public class TransferEventDTO : IEventDTO
	[Parameter("address", "_from", 1, true)]
	public string From { get; set; }

	[Parameter("address", "_to", 2, true)]
	public string To { get; set; }

	[Parameter("uint256", "_value", 3, false)]
	public BigInteger Value { get; set; }

Returns list of events

var events = await contract.GetAllChanges<TransferEventDTO>();

foreach (var ev in events)

It is also possible to send a transaction configured by yourself.

  • Task SendTransaction(string to, string data = null, string value = null, string gas = null)*
    This method is used under the hood of our SDK when you use CallMethod function.

For full examples please see ERC20 token example and ERC721 token example

3. Contracts interaction

In this plugin there are examples for ERC20 and ERC721 contracts integration, however, it can be easily expanded for any other types of contracts.

Contracts for this plugin are stored under Examples folder. Mint functions have no rights, so anyone can test this plugin. These contracts shouldn't be used in production.

Default web3 interactions are created using Nethereum package, the network and public RPC should be configured before using this plugin.

All contract interactions are described in IContract interface (events receiving, transaction hashes receiving, getting view data, sending and signing transactions)