
Command-line based application for keeping track of employees, their managers, salaries, roles and departments.


Clone the repo and run

npm i

Create a file in the root directory called '.env' and enter only the following lines:

DB_USER='username' DB_PW='password' Open a mysql shell in the root directory and run the following:

source db\schema.sql

Optionally, you can run source db\seeds.sql to get a starter database going.

The use the following to initiate the application:

node index.js


Make sure to know which role id you need before entering a new employee!

Please see Video Demo for more information.

Use ctrl+c on Windows to Quit the application.


There is no manager table. All employees are on the employee table, and the manager_id is a foreign key referencing the primary key of employee (id). Using a manager table prooved redundant, and did not make nested hierarchies any less convoluted, so it was ultimately abandoned for one flat employee table, with all hierarchy encoded into the manager_id column.


Please reach out at this email to collaborate: ddoherty6@gmail.com