
Quassel backlog search web app

Primary LanguagePython


A web application for searching your Quassel database.


It's recommended to setup a Postgresql user with read-only access to the Quassel database.

  1. Run psql as the admin user and open the quassel database: sudo -u postgres psql quassel
  2. Run the following SQL query: `CREATE USER querryl WITH PASSWORD 'secure-password';
  3. Give the new user read-only access to the tables: GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO querryl;


  1. pip install git+git://github.com/ddormer/Querryl
  2. cd Querryl
  3. cp config.py.sample config.py
  4. Edit config.py to fit your needs.
  5. trial querryl


twistd -n quassel
