
Config is a Go package for loading configuration values from AWS SSM Parameter Store and environment variables into a struct.


To install Config, use go get:

go get


To use Config, first import it:

import ""

Then, define a struct to hold your configuration values. The struct fields must be tagged with ssm or env to indicate the source of the value. For example:

type Config struct {
    DatabaseURL string `ssm:"/database_url"`
    APIKey      string `ssm:"/api_key,required"`
    Debug       bool   `env:"DEBUG"`

To load the configuration values into your struct, call the Load function:

var cfg Config
err := config.Load(context.Background(), &cfg)
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Failed to load configuration: %v", err)

By default, Load will look for SSM parameters with names that match the struct field tags. You can specify a prefix for SSM parameter names using the WithPrefix option:

opts := []config.LoadOptFunc{
err := config.Load(context.Background(), &cfg, opts...)

You can also specify an SSM client to use using the WithSSMClient option. The Client must satify the GetParametersAPIClient interface:

type GetParametersAPIClient interface {
	GetParameters(ctx context.Context, params *ssm.GetParametersInput, optFns ...func(*ssm.Options)) (*ssm.GetParametersOutput, error)

client := myCustomSSMClient{}
opts := []config.LoadOptFunc{
err := config.Load(context.Background(), &cfg, opts...)

If a required value is missing, or if there is an error fetching values from SSM, Load will return an error.


Here's an example of how to use Config to fetch environment variables and SSM parameters:

package main

import (


type Config struct {
    DatabaseURL string `ssm:"/database_url"`
    APIKey      string `ssm:"/api_key,required"`
    Debug       bool   `env:"DEBUG"`

func main() {
    var cfg Config
    err := config.Load(context.Background(), &cfg)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to load configuration: %v", err)

    fmt.Printf("DatabaseURL: %s\n", cfg.DatabaseURL)
    fmt.Printf("APIKey: %s\n", cfg.APIKey)
    fmt.Printf("Debug: %t\n", cfg.Debug)