
An application that simulates sms management between different users.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The sms management application (strictly API) is an application that simulates a system of how sms is managed between different Contact on a platform.


npm install 


  • Contact can see all sms
  • Contact can send sms to other Contact
  • Contact can can see all sent sms
  • Contact can receive sms from other Contact
  • Contact can see all received sms
  • Contact can delete sms
  • Contact can delete contacts and all sms associated with the contact


  • Clone the repository
  • Checkout to the develop branch
  • Run npm i to install all dependencies
  • Add a mongodb url to your .env file(see .env.exapmle file).
  • Run npm start:dev to start the app locally
  • Go to localhost:8888 to access end points.
  • Run all tests and coverage using npm run test a

API endpoints and functions

Type of request route(endpoint) Description
POST api/v1/contact Create a new contact
GET api/v1/contacts Get all contacts
GET api/v1/:contactId Get single contact
PUT api/v1/:contactId Update single contact
DELETE api/v1/:contactId Delete single contact
POST /api/v1/sms Create a new message
GET /api/v1/sms/allmessages Get all messages
GET /api/v1/sms/sent/:phoneNumber Get sent sms
GET /api/v1/sms/received/:phoneNumber Get received sms