
Multi-layer perceptrons for classification - Implementing a classifier in TensorFlow.js

About the project

Implementation of a multi layer perceptron that can classify digits (hand written number) of the famous MNIST dataset right in your web browser.

Key things: transforming images to Tensors, and understanding the new outputs of the model.

To create and test a ML model

  1. Import the training data (input and output)
  2. Set our Input and output tensor (shuffle the training data if need be)
  3. Create the model architecture:
  • set the model to be sequential
  • Add all the layers (neurons including hidden, output) wit their input shapes?, units "output" and activation function
  1. Train the model by:
  • Compile the model with optimizer, loss function, metrics
  • Fit and get the result from the training which takes 3 parameters: Input_tensor, output_tensor and an object that contains shuffle, validationSplit, batchSize, epoch
  • Dispose all the tensors created
  • Evaluate the model