What will I end up with?

If you go through the steps below without fail, you should end up with a Streamlit-powered web application (Plant Disease Vision) for classifying if an apple leaf is healthy or has a disease [e.g multiple diseases, scab, rust] (end goal is to deploy this app on Google Cloud).

1. Getting the app running

  1. Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/ddoyediran/ml-plant-classification
  1. Change into the ml-plant-classification directory
cd ml-plant-classification
  1. Create and activate a virtual environment (call it what you want, I called mine "env")
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv <ENV-NAME>
source <ENV-NAME>/bin/activate
  1. Install the required dependencies (Streamlit, TensorFlow, etc)
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Activate Streamlit and run app.py
streamlit run app.py