
A node.js package implementing bloom filter using redis as backend.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Linux Build Status Windows Build Status

Bloomfilter-redis is a node.js package implementing bloom filter using redis as backend. 🚢


  • use 32bit murmur3 and FNV-1a for double hashing

  • depends on redis package

  • you specify the filter size in redis, up to 512M


  • Redis-server installed and running
  • Node.js >= 6


npm install bloomfilter-redis

Usage Example

const BloomFilter = require('bloomfilter-redis');
const redis = require("redis");

let bf = new BloomFilter({//all params have a default value, and I choose some to present below
  redisSize: 16, // this will create a string value which is 16 MegaBytes in length
  hashesNum: 8, // how many hash functions do we use
  redisKey: 'test', //this will create a string which keyname is `test`
  redisClient: redis.createClient(), //you can choose to create the client by yourself

promise = bf.init(); // invokes `SETBIT` to allocate memory in redis.For details https://redis.io/commands/setbit

promise.then(() => {
    return bf.add('abc'); // add "abc"
  .then(() => {
    return bf.add('hello'); // add "hello"
  .then(() => {
    return bf.add('world'); // add "world"
  .then(() => {
    return bf.add('nihao'); // add "nihao"
  .then(() => {
    return bf.contains('hola');
  .then((result) => {
    console.log(`"hola" in the set? ${result}`); // "hola" in the set? false
  .then(() => {
    return bf.contains('hello');
  .then((result) => {
    console.log(`"hello" in the set? ${result}`); // "hello" in the set? true
  }).catch(function(err) {

Or for an easier way, use promise.all()

const BloomFilter = require('bloomfilter-redis');
const redis = require("redis");

let bf = new BloomFilter();

promise = bf.init();
// both array has `I love you`
arr = ['我爱你', 'I love you', 'je t\'aime', 'ich liebe dich', 'Ti Amo', 'te amo vos amo'];
testArr = ['사랑해요', 'I love you', '爱してる'];

promiseAddArr = [];
promiseContainsArr = [];

arr.forEach(str => {
  promiseAddArr.push(bf.add(str)); // assembly add tasks

testArr.forEach(str => {
  promiseContainsArr.push(bf.contains(str)); // assembly contains tasks

Promise.all(promiseAddArr).then(() => {
  Promise.all(promiseContainsArr).then(results => {
    console.log(results); // [ false, true, false ]. Yeah, that's the right answer


  • BloomFilter.init,BloomFilter.add and BloomFilter.contains all returns a Promise.

  • As there are various options when creating a redis-client using redis.createClient method, it may be a good choice to let users create the redis-client by themselves. Pass the redis-client as a parameter when contructing BloomFilter.

Why choose 32bit hash