
NodeJS boilerplate handler, dispatch, and framework for AWS SAM

Primary LanguageJavaScript


NodeJS boilerplate handler, dispatch, and framework for AWS SAM



Extracts the event.Records[0].Sns.Message to event.packet

const { snsHandler } = require('sam-stereotype');

exports.handler = snsHandler((event, context, callback) => {
  if (event.packet) {
    callback(null, `Successfully received packet: ${event.packet}`);
  callback(null, `Failed to receive packet: ${event}`);


Still working on the additional trigger handlers, while they exist, they shouldn't be used yet.


  • S3
  • Schedule

In Progress:

  • SQS
  • Kinesis
  • IOT
  • Dynamo
  • Cloudwatch Logs
  • Cloudwatch Events
  • API
  • Alexa



Streamlines the SNS Publish process

const { snsDispatch } = require('sam-stereotype');

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
  snsDispatch('my-sns-arn', 'my-message')
    .then(()=> {
      callback(null, 'Successfully dispatched SNS Message');
    .catch(e => callback(null, `Failed to dispatch SNS Message: ${e.stack}`));


Streamlines the SES Publish process

const { sesDispatch } = require('sam-stereotype');

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
      'Message with <b>HTML</b>'
    .then(()=> {
      callback(null, 'Successfully dispatched SES Message');
    .catch(e => callback(null, `Failed to dispatch SES Message: ${e.stack}`));



  • Dynamo
  • S3

Build Framework

The build framework is a suggested Makefile and Webpack config.

Either configuration file can be used independently but the Makefile's compile requires webpack to be installed. You can use your own webpack config, read make compile for more information.


Include the Makefile and variables in your Makefile for the suite of shortcuts.

include ./node_modules/sam-stereotype/Makefile

# S3 Bucket to upload Lambdas - Must exist before running any commands
BUCKET = sam-stereotype
# Key prefix: s3:/sam-stereotype/stereotype-files
BUCKET_PREFIX = stereotype-files
# Cloudformation stack name
STACK = sam-stereotype-stack
  • make compile

Compile will run webpack and copy a package.json file located in the ./src/ directory into each ./dist/ directory. When using the bundled webpack.config your lambda's would be compiled into the following directory structure.

  • make validate

Validate will run sam validate

  • make build

Build will run sam build. The build command assumes a template.yaml or template.yml file is in the project root.

  • make package

Package will run build as well as sam package and output the template file to deployment.yaml

  • make deploy

Deploy will run sam deploy with the deployment.yaml to the defined stack name.

  • make push

Push will run compile, validate, build, package, and deploy.

  • make down

Down will delete the cloudformation stack.


Require the webpack.config.js to perform lambda packing.

// webpack.config.js
module.exports = require('sam-stereotype/webpack.config');

The webpack configuration assumes there is a ./src/lambda directory with single file lambda's. Each lambda is packaged into the ./dist/{fileName} directory as index.js.

If you are using make compile, you need to create a package.json file in the ./src directory to be included in each ./dist/{lambda} directory. package.json is required in each dist directory for package to run properly.

Your template.yaml file can include the dist lambda:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      Runtime: nodejs8.10
      Handler: index.handler
      Description: Single SNS event handler test
      CodeUri: ./dist/testSns
      FunctionName: testSns
      Timeout: 15