
A thread-safe transactional communications methodology for ASCOM drivers

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION

Reactive ASCOM

Reactive ASCOM Logo

Reactive-style transactional device communications for ASCOM drivers with guaranteed sequencing and thread-safety

Reactive ASCOM (namespace TA.Ascom.ReactiveCommunications) is a library based on the Reactive Extensions for .NET for simplifying device communications over serial, Ethernet and other types of communications channel to embedded controllers, while guaranteeing correct sequencing and thread-safety of transactions.

Originally developed for use with ASCOM drivers, but may be useful for any software that needs to communicate with an embedded controller using a predominantly command-response protocol.

This blog article describes the approach and gives a bried overview of how to use the library. The source code contains a sample console application demonstrating how to create and use the various classes.

Available as a NuGet package - simply Install-Package TA.Ascom.ReactiveCommunications

The main project page for Reactive ASCOM is at: http://tigra-astronomy.com/reactive-communications-for-ascom


Reactive ASCOM uses the MIT License.

Tim Long - Tigra Astronomy, May 2015.

Release Notes


  • Updated dependent NuGet packages to latest release versions before rebuilding and pushing to NuGet.


  • added the ChannelFactory class and the ability to register custom user-supplied channel implementations. Removed DeviceEndpoint.FromConnectionString(). This is a breaking change and applications will now need to use the new ChannelFactory class to create a communications channel from a connection string, instead of DeviceEndpoint.FromConnectionString()

    Builtin channel types are pre-registered in the ChannelFactory. Custom channel implementations can be added by calling RegisterChannelType(). You must supply a Predicate<string> that tests whether a connection string is valid for the channel type; a Func<string,DeviceEndpoint> for creating an endpoint from a connection string; and a Func<DeviceEndpoint, ICommunicationsChannel> for creating the channel itself.

    If the builtin channel types are not required, they can be deleted by calling ClearRegisteredDevices() prior to adding any custom implementations.