
Primary LanguagePython


I purchased this with the intent of doing some image recognition things with it. Unfortunately, a lot of the packages the default drivers depend on have changed since they were written and Adeept had not yet updated their sample code, so I re-wrote it. Figured I would put it out there in case somebody else ends up in the same boat.

If you're looking for batteries, try these.

Installing and Running

Install Adafruit Servokit

Run sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-servokit

Download and Install Code

Download both files and put them on your pi in the home directory (/home/pi).

Enable the I2C Interface

  1. From the terminal, run sudo raspi-config
  2. Select "Interfacing Options" > "I2C"
  3. Select "Yes" when prompted Would you like the ARM I2C interface to be enabled?

Running the Program

sudo python3 adeept_arm.py

Configure Auto-Run on Boot

  1. sudo nano /etc/rc.local
  2. Add sudo bash -c 'python3 /home/pi/adeept_arm.py at the bottom.
  3. Ctrl+x, y, Enter to save.
  4. Reboot


Left Stick

  • Left-Right turns the whole claw
  • Up-Down moves the whole arm up-down
  • Click does nothing (see fun thing for what happens if you click both)

Right Stick

  • Left opens claw
  • Right closes claw
  • Up/Down moves the second joint up/down
  • Click does nothing (see fun thing for what happens if you click both)

Fun Thing I Added

If you click both joysticks at the same time, it positions itself so you can place something on the top of the claw. You have to wait 4 seconds (can be changed) and then you can click both sticks again and it will throw whatever you placed up there. Has to be something light....like a ping pong ball, but it will chuck it a good little ways.