This app shows the problem which pops up when the app is started in background via the cordova-background-geolocation-lt
All is fine as long as the app is running. When the app is terminated it gets started again as expected but gets stuck in App startup timed out ...
- In iOS Simulator
- Debug -> Location -> Freeway Drive
- Debug -> Open System Log
- Push App in background (do not close)
- Now you see the Local Push Messages
- Back to the App and terminate it
- Check the System Log and you should see something like the log below
Geofencing[51177]: Using WKWebView
Geofencing[51177]: [CDVTimer][handleopenurl] 0.065982ms
Geofencing[51177]: [CDVTimer][intentandnavigationfilter] 2.664030ms
Geofencing[51177]: [CDVTimer][gesturehandler] 0.075042ms
Geofencing[51177]: Serving asset bundle version: 1e892668b1230262588f59d145c1b5ca2787d7ad
Geofencing[51177]: [CDVTimer][webapplocalserver] 183.372021ms
Geofencing[51177]: [CDVTimer][statusbar] 19.053042ms
Geofencing[51177]: [CDVTimer][splashscreen] 5.279958ms
Geofencing[51177]: [CDVTimer][backgroundfetch] 0.120997ms
Geofencing[51177]: [CDVTimer][localstorage] 0.330985ms
Geofencing[51177]: [CDVTimer][TotalPluginStartup] 212.901950ms
Geofencing[51177]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22 cs_flags=200, task->pid_self=51177
Geofencing[51177]: SecTaskCopyDebugDescription: Geofencing[51177]
assertiond[42612]: assertion failed: 15F34 13E230: assertiond + 16726 [1BD9E3D0-5485-3412-86B2-4BE50C825E80]: 0x1
webinspectord[42671]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22 cs_flags=200, task->pid_self=-1
webinspectord[42671]: SecTaskCopyDebugDescription: Geofencing[51177]
assertiond[42612]: assertion failed: 15F34 13E230: assertiond + 16726 [1BD9E3D0-5485-3412-86B2-4BE50C825E80]: 0x1
Geofencing[51177]: App startup timed out, reverting to last known good version