Geofencing Test

This app shows the problem which pops up when the app is started in background via the cordova-background-geolocation-lt plugin.

All is fine as long as the app is running. When the app is terminated it gets started again as expected but gets stuck in App startup timed out ... error.

Test Case

  • In iOS Simulator
  • Debug -> Location -> Freeway Drive
  • Debug -> Open System Log
  • Push App in background (do not close)
  • Now you see the Local Push Messages
  • Back to the App and terminate it
  • Check the System Log and you should see something like the log below

Log Output

  Geofencing[51177]: Using WKWebView
  Geofencing[51177]: [CDVTimer][handleopenurl] 0.065982ms
  Geofencing[51177]: [CDVTimer][intentandnavigationfilter] 2.664030ms
  Geofencing[51177]: [CDVTimer][gesturehandler] 0.075042ms
  Geofencing[51177]: Serving asset bundle version: 1e892668b1230262588f59d145c1b5ca2787d7ad
  Geofencing[51177]: [CDVTimer][webapplocalserver] 183.372021ms
  Geofencing[51177]: [CDVTimer][statusbar] 19.053042ms
  Geofencing[51177]: [CDVTimer][splashscreen] 5.279958ms
  Geofencing[51177]: [CDVTimer][backgroundfetch] 0.120997ms
  Geofencing[51177]: [CDVTimer][localstorage] 0.330985ms
  Geofencing[51177]: [CDVTimer][TotalPluginStartup] 212.901950ms
  Geofencing[51177]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22 cs_flags=200, task->pid_self=51177
  Geofencing[51177]: SecTaskCopyDebugDescription: Geofencing[51177]
  assertiond[42612]: assertion failed: 15F34 13E230: assertiond + 16726 [1BD9E3D0-5485-3412-86B2-4BE50C825E80]: 0x1
  webinspectord[42671]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22 cs_flags=200, task->pid_self=-1
  webinspectord[42671]: SecTaskCopyDebugDescription: Geofencing[51177]
  assertiond[42612]: assertion failed: 15F34 13E230: assertiond + 16726 [1BD9E3D0-5485-3412-86B2-4BE50C825E80]: 0x1
  Geofencing[51177]: App startup timed out, reverting to last known good version