Component / Wrapper Classes for the Chromium Embedded Framework


Component / Wrapper Classes for the Chromium Embedded Framework

This project is based on Dcef3 / capi / CEF


What is CEF4BCB?

CEF4BCB provide a simple method to develop a chromium browser based app in c++ builder instead of using the TWebBrowser (IE based) VCL Component.

Which versions of CEF are supported?

CEF4BCB only support CEF3

Cef3 version: 3.2883.1539 (chrome 55.0.2883.59)

other branches comming soon (older and newer)

Component like in DCEF comming soon

Which platforms are supported?

Windows, VCL

Test in Delphi 2009, It seems to work on Delphi 2010 and Newer

will try to compile into these versions of C++ builder:

C++ builder 6 personal

c++ builder 2006 Turbo Explorer

c++ builder 2009 professional

c++ builder XE4 professional

c++ builder 10.1 Starter

How to use it?

first use implib on libcef.dll (implib -a libcef.lib libcef.dll)

add CEF4BCB.h into your code

add CEF4BCB * Browser to your .h

add Browser = new CEF4BCB to your form constructor

on your formshow set the handle (like a TPanel)

Call the init

in oncanclose call the Shutdown procedure (will terminate the thread and call cefshutdown)

use it like the TChromium or TWebBrowser

State of implementation of the CEF3 API

To be updated:

Launch the browser in external window or embeded into a form

use standard functions like go back, go next, reload , stop loading, etc...

use javascript like in the devleloper console (but no return values for now)

WebGL is working (but some chrome experiment doesnt work)

no download support

Known bugs

access violation when closing the app because of a weird problem implying the reference counter (because we cannot use atomic like in the libcefdll wrapper from CEF


To be Specified.




