
Search context in Vim in a sidebar using `rg` output

Primary LanguageVim scriptMIT LicenseMIT


The quickfix window is great, but it would be nice to get some context around our searches. This plugin adds rg output to a side buffer with quick navigation mappings using comfortable Vim conventions.

Simple Demo


  • step through rg output instead of quickfix output
  • syntax highlighting of rg output
  • mappable to search current word under the cursor
  • configurable g:side_search_prg similar to grepprg
  • vertical or horizontal split output via g:side_search_splitter

Buffer Mappings

n/N             - Cursor to next/prev
<C-n>/<C-p>     - Open next/prev
<CR>|<DblClick> - Open at cursor
<C-w><CR>       - Open and jump to window
qf              - :grep! to Quickfix


We rely on The Silver Searcher to perform our file/text searches for us. Theoretically, any program which has the same output could also work, but that we only test using rg output.

To install rg command on OSX:

brew install ripgrep

Refer to Ripgrep for more instructions.

Global Configuration

" How should we execute the search?
" --heading and --stats are required!
let g:side_search_prg = 'rg --word-regexp'
  \. " --ignore='*.js.map'"
  \. " --heading --stats -B 1 -A 4"
  \. " --case-sensitive"
  \. " --line-number"

" Can use `vnew` or `new`
let g:side_search_splitter = 'vnew'

" I like 40% splits, change it if you don't
let g:side_search_split_pct = 0.4

Suggested Mapping

" SideSearch current word and return to original window
nnoremap <Leader>ss :SideSearch <C-r><C-w><CR> | wincmd p

" Create an shorter `SS` command
command! -complete=file -nargs=+ SS execute 'SideSearch <args>'

" or command abbreviation
cabbrev SS SideSearch


How to search for multi-word terms?

Use backslash \ to escape spaces. Double quoted strings are no longer supported.

:SideSearch cats\ and\ dogs

How to pass extra arguments to rg?

Just do it™, but please add search terms first and extra arguments afterwards.

:SideSearch MyAwesomeComponent -t js

How to restrict the search path?

Pass the search path as the last argument. If it is a valid relative or absolute path it is passed to the underlying search program. Otherwise, SideSearch will guess the project's root directory.

:SideSearch MyAwesomeComponent -t js relative/path

What happened to using The Silver Searcher?

The ag program was deprecated back in 2016. rking/ag.vim#124 We moved to ripgrep as a modern alternative. Ultimately, any program can be used by setting g:side_search_prg and has output matching out syntax highlighter should work.

How to change project root detection?

This plugin uses various methods for attempting to find the project root. See guessProjectRoot for more details. To disable the guessing and force an explicit project directory create the following function in your $MYVIMRC:

function! FindRootDirectory()
  return getcwd()