
Primary LanguageVim script


      ____      _______ _____  __

.. / _ \ / / |/ | < | |/ /\ \ _ | < _ / | / \ |
/ _|_ /_______ /____|__
/ / / / @author:yggdrasILK

What is yask[whyAsk]?

Kinda self explanatory. I try to resolve all my painpoints considering setting up new dev-systems. Such a one should be: - easily-extendible - throwaway (aka playful) - as one-click as possible - remember new stuff on its own - resilient - self-healing - similar on as many systems as possible - cli-only operating system are preferred. - gui can be installed - pinn like installation of os

running through my installation procedure

TODO: wget source script.

Should you be interested in modifying the base files: don't. Unless you want to help with the project, of course. All you should be doing is keeping your system pristine,

  • uninstall old stuff you don't need
  • don't install stuff you don't need (should be first priority) to keep a lean machine!

Please let my crawler and machine-learning tools compare your settings with others, so I can improve the experience for everybody involved.

bright minimalistic themes are the baseline for everything yask. switchable to dark minimalistic themes with different colored accents (chosen from bkgrColor?)

I also try to follow the UNIX-philosophy of:

  • everything is a file (data)
  • keep every piece lean, small and reusable
  • use pure functions wherever possible, keeping state in stores with checks.

Vim and Emacs as default programs for everything

A basic philosophy is: Don't use your mouse, unless you're playing games, then use a VR-Headset and a Katana. It's way better!

Another project of mine is to think of types of GUI's and interaction with non-2-dimensional visual representations (as VR/AR and any sub/superset thereof). I am of the firm conviction that switching to mouse input severely hampers your input speed and thinking clarity. Since the primary way to interact with textual media is with the keyboard, we should be as familiar as possible with it, relying less and less to archaic clicking devices like a mouse (or touchpad, even if they use gestures). Of course other input devices will be highly welcome once we reach a different stage of represenation, but unless we get there, the keyboard reigns supreme.

Getting fluent in vim, using the keybindings literally everywhere, will make you much more intimate with text. Get you to do more sweeping changes and think more algorithmically faster, since you can get regexes to manipulate text instead of replacing strings manually.

For the completely uninitiated in vim: #TODO: add cli-tutorial for vim/emacs-evil

Further details below to the installation: [textLinkToBottom] -> true hypertext, baby


  • docker/kubernetes cluster-setup (boot2docker?)
  • compiler platform : C / LLVM/CMAKE / Haskell / Rust
  • nodejs + emscripten => webassembly
  • installation of systemsettings
  • getting systemd's up running => self-healing configurations (yaskd)
    • setting : tree generation (yaml - human readable format )
    • tiling window manager setup
    • setup and start fixed window set on startup (windows, osx etc.)
    • start updates and ensure functionality (with previously run things) -> rollback if necessary


  • intrfclr

  • mmngr

  • jsoos

  • webtorrent

  • dotenv

  • vim

  • pkgManagers(yaourt, pacman, scoop, powershell-get, npm) abstract out installers: - apt-get/yaourt/pacman/homebrew/ hashtables for things to be installed add query for git username and pull the tables from antother dir?

  • .NET-core

  • Haskell

  • ReasonML

  • Functional Javascript

  • C/C++

sane OS defaults

  • keyboard layout set
  • remap keys
    • capslock = backspace
    • rightShift = escape
    • vim-keybindings for everything.
    • log into accounts (google, facebook etc.)

docker provides abstractions for tmux instances : can run tmux with different docker instances and save the combined configuration

network ssh mapper: automatically build home pod-network


* enable developer mode windows
* cmake
* llvm
* nodejs
* autoupdate powershell from cli
* scoop \ chocolatey \ psget
* install scripts as powershell scripts
* enable LSW

Linux (archLinux/alpineLinux/ubuntu)

* build tools update

Get ready for n :: node-version-manager since the OS-manager is uncoupled and works with plain JS - we can always be sure to have our development environment around by installing the yask/core, which, of course you can hedge to be your own!

What's included, and how to customize?

Read on to learn what yask provides!

Homebrew is the missing package manager for macOS. Installed automatically.

We automatically install a few useful packages including ctags, git, macvim, hub, and the silver searcher ('ag') Note that our autocomplete plugin requires a MacVim that supports Lua. The installer knows how to install it, but if you had one installed before, you may need to manually remove your old MacVim.


Think of Zsh as a more awesome bash without having to learn anything new. Automatic spell correction for your commands, syntax highlighting, and more. We've also provided lots of enhancements:

  • Vim mode and bash style Ctrl-R for reverse history finder
  • Ctrl-x,Ctrl-l to insert output of last command
  • Fuzzy matching - if you mistype a directory name, tab completion will fix it
  • fasd integration - hit z and partial match for recently used directory. Tab completion enabled.
  • Prezto - the power behind yask's zsh
  • How to add your own ZSH theme


Lots of things we do every day are done with two or three character mnemonic aliases. Please feel free to edit them:

ae # alias edit
ar # alias reload

Git Customizations:

yask will take over your ~/.gitconfig, so if you want to store your usernames, please put them into ~/.gitconfig.user

It is recommended to use this file to set your user info. Alternately, you can set the appropriate environment variables in your ~/.secrets.

  • git l or gl- a much more usable git log
  • git b or gb- a list of branches with summary of last commit
  • git r - a list of remotes with info
  • git t or gt- a list of tags with info
  • git nb or gnb- a (n)ew (b)ranch - like checkout -b
  • git cp or gcp- cherry-pick -x (showing what was cherrypicked)
  • git simple - a clean format for creating changelogs
  • git recent-branches - if you forgot what you've been working on
  • git unstage / guns (remove from index) and git uncommit / gunc (revert to the time prior to the last commit - dangerous if already pushed) aliases
  • Some sensible default configs, such as improving merge messages, push only pushes the current branch, removing status hints, and using mnemonic prefixes in diff: (i)ndex, (w)ork tree, (c)ommit and (o)bject
  • Slightly improved colors for diff
  • gdmb (g)it (d)elete (m)erged (b)ranches - Deletes all branches already merged on current branch

Tmux configuration

tmux.conf provides some sane defaults for tmux on Mac OS like a powerful status bar and vim keybindings. You can customize the configuration in ~/.tmux.conf.user.

Vimization of everything

The provided inputrc and editrc will turn your various command line tools like mysql and irb into vim prompts. There's also an included Ctrl-R reverse history search feature in editrc, very useful in irb, postgres command line, and etc.

Github Issues: ghi gem

We include the ghi command. Try ghi list and have fun managing issues from command line!

Vim - What's included?

A list of some of the most useful commands that yask provides in vim are included below. This is not a comprehensive list. To get deeper knowledge, practice a few of these every day, and then start looking into the lists of plugins above to learn more.


  • ,z - go to previous buffer (:bp)
  • ,x - go to next buffer (:bn)
  • Cmd-j and Cmd-k to move up and down roughly by functions (Alt in Linux)
  • Ctrl-o - Old cursor position - this is a standard mapping but very useful, so included here
  • Ctrl-i - opposite of Ctrl-O (again, this is standard)

Search/Code Navigation

  • ,f - instantly Find definition of class (must have exuberant ctags installed)
  • ,F - same as ,f but in a vertical split
  • ,gf or Ctrl-f - same as vim normal gf (go to file), but in a vertical split (works with file.rb:123 line numbers also)
  • gF - standard vim mapping, here for completeness (go to file at line number)
  • ,k - Search the current word under the cursor and show results in quickfix window
  • ,K - Grep the current word up to next exclamation point (useful for ruby foo! methods)
  • Cmd-* - highlight all occurrences of current word (similar to regular * except doesn't move)
  • ,hl - toggle search highlight on and off
  • ,gg or ,ag - Grep command line, type between quotes. Uses Ag Silver Searcher.
  • After searching with ,gg you can navigate the results with Ctrl-x and Ctrl-z (or standard vim :cn and :cp)
  • ,gd - Grep def (greps for 'def [function name]') when cursor is over the function name
  • ,gcf - Grep Current File to find references to the current file
  • // - clear the search
  • ,,w (alias ,<esc>) or ,,b (alias ,<shift-esc>) - EasyMotion, a vimperator style tool that highlights jump-points on the screen and lets you type to get there.
  • ,mc - mark this word for MultiCursor (like sublime). Use Ctrl-n (next), Ctrl-p (prev), Ctrl-x(skip) to add more cursors, then do normal vim things like edit the word.
  • gK - Opens the documentation for the word under the cursor.
  • Spacebar - Sneak - type two characters to move there in a line. Kind of like vim's f but more accurate.
  • :Gsearch foo - global search, then do your normal %s/search/replace/g and follow up with :Greplace to replace across all files. When done use :wall to write all the files.

File Navigation

  • ,t - CtrlP fuzzy file selector
  • ,b - CtrlP buffer selector - great for jumping to a file you already have open
  • Cmd-Shift-M - jump to method - CtrlP tag search within current buffer
  • ,jm jump to models. Other ,j mappings: ,jc for controllers, ,jh for helpers, etc. If you think of a concept and a letter, we've got you covered.
  • Cmd-Shift-N - NERDTree toggle (Alt in Linux)
  • Ctrl-\ - Show current file in NERDTree
  • Cmd-Shift-P - Clear CtrlP cache

Better keystrokes for common editing commands

  • Ctrl-Space to autocomplete. Tab for snipmate snippets.
  • ,# ," ,' ,] ,) ,} to surround a word in these common wrappers. the # does #{ruby interpolation}. works in visual mode (thanks @cj). Normally these are done with something like ysw#
  • Cmd-', Cmd-", Cmd-], Cmd-), etc to change content inside those surrounding marks. You don't have to be inside them (Alt in Linux)
  • ,. to go to last edit location (same as '.) because the apostrophe is hard on the pinky
  • ,ci to change inside any set of quotes/brackets/etc

Tabs, Windows, Splits

  • Use Cmd-1 thru Cmd-9 to switch to a specific tab number (like iTerm and Chrome) - and tabs have been set up to show numbers (Alt in Linux)
  • Ctrl-h,l,j,k - to move left, right, down, up between splits. This also works between vim and tmux splits thanks to vim-tmux-navigator.
  • Q - Intelligent Window Killer. Close window wincmd c if there are multiple windows to same buffer, or kill the buffer bwipeout if this is the last window into it.
  • vv - vertical split (Ctrl-w,v)
  • ss - horizontal split (Ctrl-w,s)
  • ,qo - open quickfix window (this is where output from Grep goes)
  • ,qc - close quickfix


  • Ctrl-p after pasting - Use p to paste and Ctrl-p to cycle through previous pastes. Provided by YankRing.
  • ,yr - view the yankring - a list of your previous copy commands. also you can paste and hit ctrl-p for cycling through previous copy commands
  • crs, crc, cru via abolish.vim, coerce to snake_case, camelCase, and UPPERCASE. There are more :help abolish
  • :NR - NarrowRgn - use this on a bit of selected text to create a new split with just that text. Do some work on it, then :wq it to get the results back.
  • ,ig - toggle visual indentation guides
  • ,cf - Copy Filename of current file (full path) into system (not vi) paste buffer
  • ,cn - Copy Filename of current file (name only, no path)
  • ,yw - yank a word from anywhere within the word (so you don't have to go to the beginning of it)
  • ,ow - overwrite a word with whatever is in your yank buffer - you can be anywhere on the word. saves having to visually select it
  • ,ocf - open changed files (stolen from @garybernhardt). open all files with git changes in splits
  • ,w - strip trailing whitespaces
  • sj - split a line such as a hash {:foo => {:bar => :baz}} into a multiline hash (j = down)
  • sk - unsplit a link (k = up)
  • ,he - Html Escape
  • ,hu - Html Unescape
  • ,hp - Html Preview (open in Safari)
  • Cmd-Shift-A - align things (type a character/expression to align by, works in visual mode or by itself) (Alt in Linux)
  • :ColorToggle - turn on #abc123 color highlighting (useful for css)
  • :Gitv - Git log browsers
  • ,hi - show current Highlight group. if you don't like the color of something, use this, then use hi! link [groupname] [anothergroupname] in your vimrc.after to remap the color. You can see available colors using :hi
  • ,gt - Go Tidy - tidy up your html code (works on a visual selection)
  • :Wrap - wrap long lines (e.g. when editing markdown files)
  • Cmd-/ - toggle comments (usually gcc from tComment) (Alt in Linux)
  • gcp (comment a paragraph)

Vim Dev

  • ,vc - (Vim Command) copies the command under your cursor and executes it in vim. Great for testing single line changes to vimrc.
  • ,vr - (Vim Reload) source current file as a vim file

Extending and overriding yask settings


macOS Hacks

The macOS file is a bash script that sets up sensible defaults for devs and power users under macOS. Read through it before running it. To use:


These hacks are Lion-centric. May not work for other OS'es. My favorite mods include:

  • Ultra fast key repeat rate (now you can scroll super quick using j/k)
  • No disk image verification (downloaded files open quicker)
  • Display the ~/Library folder in finder (hidden in Lion)