
Create thumbnails for a list of urls in a headless browser

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Create thumbnails for a list of urls in a headless browser (using PhantomJS).

Getting Started

Install the module with: npm install thumblr or add it to your package.json. You'll need PhantomJS installed and available in your path too. Get it here

var thumblr = require('thumblr');

var myThumblr;
myThumblr = new Thumblr(browserOptions);
myThumblr.addJob('output/folder/path', ['http://url1', 'http://url2']);


new Thumblr(browserOptions)

Wher browserOptions is an object describing the dimensions and zoom of the headless browser used to render each thumbnail.

browserOptions = {
    height: 600
    width: 800
  # A zoomFactor of 0.5 will give us thumbnails 400x300px in size
  zoomFactor: 0.5 

thumblr.addJob(outputFolder, urlList)

Adds a thumbnail job to the queue. Returns a job object for reference.

  • outputFolder - the path you want to save the thumbnails to. e.g. ./thumbs
  • urlList - list of urls you want to generate thumbnails for. e.g. ['http://bbc.co.uk', 'http://twitter.com']


Returns the current job queue as an array of job objects:

			path: './thumbs',
			urls: ['http://bbc.co.uk', 'http://twitter.com']


Runs all the jobs in the queue. The callback accepts an err parameter as per usual.

	thumblr.run (err)->
	  throw err if err
	  console.log "Thumblr complete. Say yay!"


Rendering a list of Urls

	Thumblr = require 'thumblr'
	path = require 'path'

	urls = [

	outputPath = './thumbs'
	outputPath2 = './thumbs2'

	# Set the virtual browser dimensions and zoom factor. This will determine the
	# thumbnail size.

	browserOptions = {
	    height: 600
	    width: 800
	  # A zoomFactor of 0.5 will give us thumbnails 400x300px in size
	  zoomFactor: 0.5 

	# create a new thumblr instance.
	thumblr = new Thumblr(browserOptions)

	# create any number of 'jobs'
	thumblr.addJob(outputPath, urls)
	thumblr.addJob(outputPath2, urls)

	# run the jobs asynchronously. Callback accepts an err as the first param.
	thumblr.run (err)->
	  throw err if err
	  console.log "Thumblr complete. Say yay!"


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.

Release History

(Nothing yet)


Copyright (c) 2013 Darren Wallace
Licensed under the MIT license.