
Create Twitch affiliate/partner channel predictions for timed Lichess games

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Forked from/heavily based on AndrewYatzkan/Twitch-Prediction-Lichess to allow Twitch affiliates/partners to manage predictions.


  1. Install Node.js.

  2. Download Twitch-Prediction-Lichess and navigate to the folder in Terminal (Mac/Linux) or Command Prompt (Windows).

  3. Create Twitch application with scopes channel:read:predictions channel:manage:predictions.

  • You can generate the Twitch OAuth token here.
  1. Create a Lichess Board API token.

  2. Copy or rename the config.sample.js file to config.js and adjust the values:

module.exports = {
  LICHESS_API_TOKEN: 'lip_...', // Lichess Board API token
  TWITCH_API_CLIENT_ID: '',     // Twitch API client ID
  TWITCH_API_TOKEN: '',         // Twitch API token (without "oauth:" prefix)
  TWITCH_CHANNEL: '',           // Twitch username (affiliate/partner only)
  PREDICTION_PERIOD: 60,        // Maximum duration for prediction to remain open in s
  1. Run npm start to start the bot.

  2. Play games. Twitch predictions will automatically be created and resolved!

  • Note: correspondence games and hosting a simultaneous exhibition are not currently supported.