
chat application client and server

Primary LanguageJavaScript

chat application client and server

this have a FrontEnd of client and BackEnd of server

how to start BackEnd?
    1. the server is depend on mongodb and redis and the frameworks is eggjs[https://github.com/eggjs/egg]
    1. the node version is v8.15.0 because the eggjs-socket has a issues([eggjs/egg#3576])
    1. the server config in ./server/config/config.default.js
    1. open file path cd server
    1. install package $./server> yarn
    1. unit test case $./server> yarn test
    1. install finish so yarn dev
how to start FrontEnd?
the application server backend feature
    1. registered
    1. login
    1. create group of chat
    1. remvoe & add group of member
    1. update group setting
    1. chat with every one happly in userlists and grouplists


  • finish frontend unit test case
  • refactor the frontend code

vode plugin list

  • TODO Highlight