0.引导页面/Guide page
版本号/AppVersion 开场动画/Opening animation
a.跳转到登陆界面/Jump to landing interface
b.注册账户/Registered account
2.登录/Sign in
a.跳转到注册界面/Jump to the registered account
b.登录/Sign in
3.主页面/Home frame
a.基础ListView UI修改/ListView UI modification
b.登出功能/Logout function
c.Menu的ListView拉伸收缩效果实现/Realization of ListView of Menu in the effect of stretch and contraction
d.主界面加载DialogView实现/DialogView implementation of the main interface
e.加载DialogView文字描述添加动画/Load DialogView text description add animation
f.滚动广告栏/Scroll bar
3.1 主页面-个人开发/Personal development
a.RecyclerView加载动画/RecyclerView animation
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