
Insight 2020 ai project

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Creator: Daniel Wooten

Licence: This repository is covered by the Eclipse public licence, please see [spdx.org/licences/EPL-1.0.html] for the licence text.

What Next?

A Reinforcement Learning LSTM based recommendation engine

Keywords: Pytorch, reinforcement learning, RL, RecSys, recommender systems


What is "What Next?" (WN)? WN is a framework for developing reinforcement learning based recommendation systems. WN provides a deployment ready and scaleable infrastructure upon which to implement any given RL algorithm. While existing as a fairly low level API WN provides an excellent template from which to expand out an existing RL model, tune hyperparameters, or experiment with loss functions. WN was built with modularity and iteration in mind - these choices being reflected in the straightforward architecture.


The necessary Python 3 packages for WN to run include and are limited to

  • PyTorch
  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • re
  • math
  • datetime

Personally I find it easiest to install the above packages with conda.

Following the acquisition of the above packages clone this repo, adjust the bash line in main.py and test.py, make both executable files on your system, and follow the instructions in section Setup below.


Once you've cloned into this repo you will find three sub-directories, data, src and models. data is where all training data is kept. Such data is stored in pickles and the current hard coded name for the pickle containing the training data is clean.pk - this may be altered in main.py. Inside of models is where saved PyTorch model instances are kept following their generation during training runs. This is also where models are loaded from for model inference.

Inside of src are all the files that make WN tick. The first to understand is setup.txt - this is a raw text file which holds the simulation configuration. The contents of setup.txt - which should be edited by you - are given below in a key, value format. setup.txt is not sensitive to capitalization, line-breaks, or whitespace - it operates as a comma separated file.

*train, [yes/no] *model, [option] (currently this is only 'lstm') *data, [path to training pickle] *epochs, [integer number of training samples to run] *model_agent_path, [path to agent model] *model_critic_path, [path to critic model]

Once all these options have been set calling main.py will run the entire WN model according to the parameters given in setup.txt.

The internals

Before discussing the main program, a note on the file test.py. test.py runs any tests enumerated by the tests dictionary found inside of run_tests(). At this time there is only one test which tests the reading of setup.txt and the processing of its input dictionary. To run the tests simple execute the test.py file - it will handle the rest and output, in the executing directory, the test results in a file titled Test.test.

Moving on to the main program, executed by calling main.py, there are two modes of operation - training and inference. These two modes are activated, respectively, by the "yes" and "no" flag given to the "train" key in setup.txt. In main.py the simulation framework is built with the key components, state and agent, being passed to the environment class.

The environment class is contained in environment.py and manages the interactions between the state and agent classes. The state class is contained in state.py and the agent class in agent.py. The state class is largely responsible for data handling, format, passing, and retrieval. The agent class is entirely responsible for model training and inference. The model classes - AgentModel and CriticModel - are both found inside model.py and contain the build instructions as well as the forward pass instructions for all the PyTorch models used in this framework.

In the case of model training, main.py will call run_sim() from the environment class. Inside of said class, for training, run_sim() will call train_agent(), a function of the environment class. train_agent() handles two tasks. After calling the agent's setup function, wake_agent(), train_agent() begins the agent training cycle. In this cycle first the agent is asked to make an inference of the embeddings through the predict() method of the agent class. These embeddings are passed to the state class predict method which produces a randomly selected "entity-to-be-recommended" - in this case a song - from a list of entities with similar embeddings. This recommendation as selected by state is passed to agent through the propagation() method which, in short, calculates and backpropagates the gradients for the neural net to update itself with. Throughout this process at pre-defined intervals train_agent() carries out its other task - saving the PyTorch model to disk for later use.

Peering into the details of the agent class the first method which must be called for training after instantiation is wake_agent() which then calls add_model() which executes a series of steps - calling the model constructors for both AgentModel and CriticModel from the model class as well as assigning loss and optimization functions for both the agent and critic models. Whenever predict() is called the given user_history is passed off to factorize() which breaks down the user_history into numpy arrays which the models can then use. The arrays which are produced are factors for both agent and critic. Following this factorization an inference is asked of the agent model. In the case of propagate() the actual song selected by the state classes's produce() method is appended to the critic factors via the add_prediction() method. These critic factors are then passed to a forward inference of the critic model from which the reward is generated and used to arrive at the loss for the agent. Once this loss has been backpropagated through the gradients of the agent model the critic loss is returned from the get_critic_loss() method and backpropagated through the critic's model.

Currently the critic loss is assessed as the difference between the sample standard deviation of the intra-song embedding distances with and without the recommendation as compared to the standard deviation of the population, in this case all songs that a user has listened to.

In the case of inference, where training is set to "no", the environment class calls ready_agent() instead of wake_agent() and only an inference cycle of the agent is executed, no critic step is applied. ready_agent() itself loads actor and critic models from the specified path given in setup.txt.

With regards to the internals of the state class, it has two primary methods both called upon by the environment class - get_random_user_history() which returns a random complete user history from all user histories while produce() selects a random song who's embedding's match the input attributes. If produce() is given a relax parameter a random embedding is extended to accept values within the range of +/- relax/2.

And with all of that said, you should now be able to get WN up and running!