
TelerikAcademy's JS Alpha Course. Front-End project.

Primary LanguageCSS

Project Description

  • Implement a client-side JavaScript single-page application using HTML, CSS and JavaScript (jQuery):

The project should be a line-of-business application.

Sample applications are:

  • TODO list application, TODOs can have a deadline, priorities, types etc.
  • Calendar application, keeping meetings with places and date, having notifications, etc.
  • Weather application, displaying information about weather in different cities (i.e. using the OpenWeatherMap API)
  • Informational system for Postal services (sending & receiving mails, packages, etc).
  • “Tourist guide” informational system.
  • Cooking e-book.
  • Personal accounting system.
  • Personal medical cart

General Requirements

  • Please define and implement the following assets in your project:
  • Use jQuery for DOM manipulations and Ajax requests
  • Write all your JavaScript code in separate file(s) and link them in your HTML file.
  • Write all your CSS code in a separate file and link it in your HTML file.

Additional Requirements

  • Follow the best practices for producing high-quality code:
  • Correct naming
  • Data encapsulation
  • Use modules
  • Use ES 2015 syntax where possible
  • Strong cohesion and loose coupling
  • Use GIT as a source control system
  • Host it on https://github.com

Optional Requirements

  • If you have a chance, time and a suitable situation, you might add some of the following to your project:
  • Use external libraries such as Bootstrap, Materialize or other to style your project
  • Use external libraries such as jQuery UI, Kendo UI or other for custom controls

Non-required Work

  • Completely finished project is not obligatory required. It will not be a big problem if your project
  • is not completely finished or is not working greatly
  • This team work project is for educational purpose
  • Its main purpose it to gain experience using DOM manipulation and OOP in a real-world-like project and to get some experience in team working and team collaboration with a source control system.
  • Implementation of server-side logic with ASP.NET, PHP, Java or Node.js