
Tool for validating FeatureTypes served by a WFS

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Command line tool for validating FeatureTypes served by a WFS.



To build and install the tool, you require

  • Java SE Development Kit 8+
  • Gradle


git clone https://github.com/de-bkg/wfs-ft-validator.git
cd wfs-ft-validator/
gradle installDist


cd build/install/wfs-ft-validator
bin\wfs-ft-validator http://example.com/wfs

Running behind http proxy

If your network access requires a http proxy you can set the corresponding Network properties http.proxyHost, http.proxyPort and http.nonProxyHosts for the Java Virtual machine. This is done by editing the DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS variable within the start script for your OS or by dynamically setting the JAVA_OPTS Environment variable.

Example Usage Linux:

export JAVA_OPTS="-Dhttp.proxyHost=your-proxy.net -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=*.bkg"

Example Usage Windows:

SET "JAVA_OPTS=-Dhttp.proxyHost=your-proxy.net -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=*.bkg"