Bedwars RPG

This game is currently in development, don't have high expectations for individual builds.

Currently, the game includes:

  • working collision
  • working sneaking, running, and walking
  • a (not so nice) scrolling camara
  • placeable and breakable blocks
  • a way to make stages if you know what you're doing (loading in not included)
  • customisable controls
  • creative mode

Things that will be added soon:

  • better camara scrolling
  • more and better assets (that aren't stolen)
  • a simple stage builder

Things that will be added later:

  • story
  • npcs and dialog
  • combat (thinking about turn based but haven't made up my mind)
  • inventory
  • more customisation


  • A and D to move left and right
  • SPACE to jump
  • L-CTRL to sprint
  • L-SHIFT to sneak
  • right click to place block
  • left click to break block
  • Q to reload scene
  • E to enter creative mode
  • W and S to fly up and down

Press SPACE in the air while in creative mode to fly.

You can change the controls by changing the values in controls.json.

All keys are case-sensitive.

All key names
Name ASCII Description
BACKSPACE \b backspace
TAB \t tab
CLEAR clear
RETURN \r return
PAUSE pause
ESCAPE escape
SPACE space
EXCLAIM ! exclamation mark
QUOTEDBL " double quote
HASH # octothorpe
DOLLAR $ dollar
AMPERSAND & ampersand
QUOTE ' quote
LEFTPAREN ( left parenthesis
RIGHTPAREN ) right parenthesis
ASTERISK * asterisk
PLUS + plus sign
COMMA , comma
MINUS - minus sign
PERIOD . period
SLASH / forward slash
0 0 0
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
5 5 5
6 6 6
7 7 7
8 8 8
9 9 9
COLON : colon
SEMICOLON ; semicolon
LESS < less-than sign
EQUALS = equals sign
GREATER > greater-than sign
QUESTION ? question mark
AT @ at
LEFTBRACKET [ left bracket
BACKSLASH \ backslash
RIGHTBRACKET ] right bracket
CARET ^ caret
UNDERSCORE _ underscore
a a a
b b b
c c c
d d d
e e e
f f f
g g g
h h h
i i i
j j j
k k k
l l l
m m m
n n n
o o o
p p p
q q q
r r r
s s s
t t t
u u u
v v v
w w w
x x x
y y y
z z z
DELETE delete
KP0 keypad 0
KP1 keypad 1
KP2 keypad 2
KP3 keypad 3
KP4 keypad 4
KP5 keypad 5
KP6 keypad 6
KP7 keypad 7
KP8 keypad 8
KP9 keypad 9
KP_PERIOD . keypad period
KP_DIVIDE / keypad divide
KP_MULTIPLY * keypad multiply
KP_MINUS - keypad minus
KP_PLUS + keypad plus
KP_ENTER \r keypad enter
KP_EQUALS = keypad equals
UP up arrow
DOWN down arrow
RIGHT right arrow
LEFT left arrow
INSERT insert
HOME home
END end
PAGEUP page up
PAGEDOWN page down
F1 F1
F2 F2
F3 F3
F4 F4
F5 F5
F6 F6
F7 F7
F8 F8
F9 F9
F10 F10
F11 F11
F12 F12
F13 F13
F14 F14
F15 F15
NUMLOCK numlock
CAPSLOCK capslock
SCROLLOCK scrollock
RSHIFT right shift
LSHIFT left shift
RCTRL right control
LCTRL left control
RALT right alt
LALT left alt
RMETA right meta
LMETA left meta
LSUPER left Windows key
RSUPER right Windows key
MODE mode shift
HELP help
PRINT print screen
SYSREQ sysrq
BREAK break
MENU menu
POWER power
AC_BACK Android back button

Known bugs:

  • None

How to run:

Currently, there is no build to just run the game, one will come later.

To run the game, first download the source code.

Make sure you have a python interpreter installed of version 3.10+,

You also need to install pygame by running pip install pygame into the command line.

If you already have it installed make sure its version 2.1.2+ using pip show pygame,

It may work for pygame 2.0.0+ but no guarantees.

Then lastly you can open using the python interpreter and it'll work!