
Template for releasing decentralized music

Demu Feed Template

This repo is the home of all template files and instructional materials for Decentralized Music (Demu) publication. Artists are encouraged to use these materials and template files to aid in the self-publishing process. These materials are offered on a value-for-Value basis. If you receive value from any of the materials presented, please consider returning that value to Spencer or the self-hosted Demu movement in the form of a contribution of your time, talent or treasure. The easiest way is to leave the Value Split for "the Wolf" intact in the RSS feeds you create using this template. Other ways include donations over Lightning to sirspencer@getalby.com, contributing to decentralized music projects and telling other artists about decentralized music.

Current Files:

  1. feed.xml This is the clean template artists can use to begin building their own RSS feed out with.
  2. feed-with-comments.xml This is the same file as feed.xml with the addition of XML comments that explain the purpose of each tag. This feed is meant to provide more insight to beginners of RSS/XML. The comments will not affect the way the code works, but it is recommended that you remove them or use the clean feed.xml version when you go to publish your RSS feed live.

Instructional demo videos to come!