
An interactive MQTT client for the CLI

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

mqttie 👔

🚧 This is a pre-alpha project, tread carefully 🚧

An interactive MQTT client for the CLI, inspired from httpie and built with rumqttc.

Users will be able to use the mqtt command as follows:

  1. Publish to this/is/a/topic on the broker at host:port:
mqtt PUB this/is/a/topic --json { "key": value } --broker host:port
  1. Subscribe to this/is/a/topic on the broker at host:port:
mqtt SUB this/is/a/topic --broker host:port

When connecting to the broker, a user must provide their protocol of choice using the host field, by default it shall be tcp://. The broker's port address may also be left empty, in which case mqttie will connect to the default MQTT port 1883. To connect with TLS support, users can provide their .pem files with the flags --ca_certificate, --device_certificate and --device_private_key (-ca, -cert and -key in short).

For simplicity, one may prefer to provide broker details in a JSON file with the following format, along with the --auth or -a flags:

    "device_id": "1234",
    "broker": "example.com",
    "port": 1883,
    "authentication": {
        "ca_certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE...",
        "device_certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE...",
        "device_private_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY..."

NOTE: In case of non-TLS connections, just omit the "authentication" entry.

When publishing, users can also set the QoS value for publish messages by using the --qos or -q flag and providing one of 0, 1 or 2. Users can also choose whether or not the message should be retained by the broker by using the --retained or -r flag.