
Bringing Sentry error tracking to Django Q

Primary LanguagePython


A Django Q Error Reporter plugin adding Sentry support.


This plugin is intended to be included with Django Q as setuptools extra.

$ pip install django-q[sentry]

Or add django-q[sentry] to requirements.txt.

This plugin requires Django Q version 0.8.1 or greater.


Configure Sentry via the Django Q Q_CLUSTER dictionary in your Django project's settings.py. It is important that the sentry key be set in the error_reporter dictionary, as this name aligns with the project's entry point for this plugin. The only required configuration entry is your Sentry DSN.

    'error_reporter': {
        'sentry': {
            'dsn': 'https://******@sentry.io/<project>'

Please check the python sentry client configuration docs for more options. Additional key-value pairs defined in Q_CLUSTER['error_reporter']['sentry'] are passed directly as kwargs to instantiation of raven.Client.