
Asylumjam 2013 Code - Unfinished buggy as hell code - Done on a Sprint-Pattern/ Rapid-Prototyping

Primary LanguageJava

Asylumjam 2013

Jam-Site: http://www.asylumjam.com/

This is just a developement Repository for a horror-game done for the AsylumJam from OCTOBER 11th to OCTOBER 13th. For 100% this will be a post-jam completion. Thats the reason why we wont try to finish it in the timeframe and make it more fancy instead.

You also are allowed to help us on damn issues and silly things.


Its currently on ice :( We dont have enough time to end up this game. Maybe around the christmas days.

What Tools are we using?

IDE : IntelliJ , Eclipse

Graphic : Paint(dot)Net , Gimp

Map Generation : Tiled

Are we going to stream something like others?

I dont think so we stream a log of our dev-sessions. If one of us both are going to stream something i'll add the cast here later :)