A native Android app for fetching trending movies from the API Movie DB. This app was built using the latest version of Android studio and tested with the latest Android API.
- Glide
- Volley
- RecyclerView
- Google Guava
- Google Material
The API key was hidden in a BuildConfig file.
- Infinite fetching for trending movies
- Display in a RecyclerView a list of items composed of title, release year and brief overview
- Display poster of each movie using the Glide library
- Pull to refresh fetching
- Detects if the user is not connected to internet wether via wifi or mobile data
- Prompts the user to enable internet and redirects them to internet settings
- Display details about the movie selected from the trending list
- Clone this repository
- Add a file 'apikey.properties' at the root of the app with two constants: LINK and API_KEY
- Go to File->Sync Project with Gradle files